Chapter 2: Something Weird Is Most Definitely Happening

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No haters please. Just be nice, it's my first time, remember.

~R E B E C C A   S T A R F L Y~

I tossed and turned vigorously in bed as more visions flashed through my mind as I slept.

I found myself standing next to a single pine tree atop a grassy hill. Next to me, in a wheelchair, sat a man with a scruffy beard and kindly, intelligent eyes.

The man sighed tiredly and the scene changed.

I was on a small, leaky rowboat, indistinguishable items littering the floor. Two people sat next to me. They looked around my age. One was the blonde girl I saw before, except, she looked a lot younger. I could now see that her eyes were looked like grey storm clouds raging the sky. The other person was a thin boy with dark windblown hair and glittering sea-green eyes.

He looked so familiar.

The boy was just waking up. He tried to sit upright but the girl pushed him back down.

‘Rest,’ she said gently. ‘You’re going to need it.’

The scene changed again.

I was standing on a hill not like the other one. This one had a sinister feel to it. And there was a battle raging.

The boy with dark hair was there, battling a muscular man with a cruel face. There was also a girl with spikey, black hair and punk clothes who was fighting with a blonde boy who had a jagged scar down the side of his face.

A graceful girl with copper skin and dark hair shot arrows at the muscular man, while another young girl with auburn hair held up her arms as if she was carrying something. Her young face was pale with strain.

Behind the punk girl and the boy with the scar was the blonde girl. Her hands were bound and her mouth was gagged. She was struggling to get free. I wanted to help her, but I didn’t know how in a dream.

I jumped in shock as the boy with dark hair was flung back and landed at the feet of the auburn girl. The muscular man toward over him, javelin raised high in triumph. The boys eyes widened in fear and alarm.

Only then did I realize that his hair was the same black as mine, and his eyes were only slightly lighter.

The muscular man drew back for the kill and the scene changed yet again.

I was in a room with two doors.

The dark haired boy and the blonde girl were with me yet again. But this time, there were two others I hadn’t seen before; a scrawny boy wearing a cap and a large, muscular boy with a pouty face and big brown eyes.

Standing in front of the doors was a strange man with two heads, tossing a ring of keys.

‘Choose,’ he whispered.

I woke with a start.


Charlotte was standing over me.

‘Mum said dinners ready,’ she said.

I nodded wearily and closed my eyes. I heard Charlotte run out of the room yelling, ‘She’s coming!’

I groaned as I got up, my muscles groaning in protest. I thought about telling my parents of the strange dreams but quickly decided against it. I didn’t want to ruin our holiday before it had begun.

I entered the dining room as Sarah was putting out the food.

‘Spaghetti bolognaise,’ she said. ‘Your favourite.’

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