Chapter 10: Trapped Again

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Hey guys! Hello my little M&M's. So, I'm wondering if this story is worth continuing. If people aren't commenting, there isn't much point writing. But anyway, this is chapter ten ...

~R E B E C C A   S T A R F L Y~

I woke up to a pristine, fancy room with no memory and a throbbing headache.

I knew who I was, all about camp, my family and the quest. But I couldn’t for the life of me remember where I was or how I got here. The only solution I could come up with was a monster attack and stopping at a hotel for a night.

I yawned and sat up. Someone had changed my clothes into a fresh pair of ripped jeans and a plain purple t-shirt that hugged just a little too well. I wasn’t the kind of girl to show off my body. There wasn’t anything to show off anyway.

Swinging my legs to the side, I noticed that every bone in my body felt like it had been taken out and replaced with a burning metal rod. Attempting-and failing-to shake it off, I stood and slipped into my a pair of waiting combat boots. I’d always wanted a pair, but my mum always said no. I rolled my eyes, thinking parents.

‘Annabeth?’ I called, very aware that my voice was thin and shaky. I did not want to seem weak on this quest. ‘Percy?’

Cautiously, I walked to the doorway. Nothing seemed to be broken, but one could never be too careful. There was no in the other room and I started to get a little worried. I had no idea where I was, in a country I did know much about, and my two guides were off who knows where.

On impulse, I closed my fingers around my locket. I had a feeling I would be needing Monsoon.

I sat down on the bed and waited for Percy and Annabeth to return. They were probably out renewing supplies.

But the more I waited, the more tempting going to look for them became. I would suddenly want to leave the room and look for them. I might find something cool; it wouldn’t hurt, would it?

Every time I had these thoughts, I grabbed a hold of my locket and squeezed it, vanishing the thoughts. This locket had been with me my whole life. I had no idea where I got it, when I got it, or even who gave it to me. I had never taken it off before, and it never seemed to rust or fall apart. It was indestructible.

And now, it was acting like a good luck talisman, keeping my thoughts grounded.

But the more I thought those tempting thoughts, the more I knew something was wrong.

Trusting that my necklace would protect me, I got up and left the room.

The corridor was rather unimpressive and plain. Rows and rows of doors adorned the walls. I made  quick choice; left or right? Eeny, meeny, miny, moe; catch a tiger by the toe. If he squeals, let him go; eeny, meeny, miny, moe. Left.

I started walking until I came to an elevator. Walking inside and finding it empty, I decided the bottom would be a good place to start and pressed the button for the ground floor.

As I descended, I racked my brains, sifting through all the Greek monsters I could remember. What creatures used temptation; a lot of them.

The levels flashed by and for a moment, between the drone of the machinery and the soft elevator music, I heard a woman whispered to me, Remember Odysseus, child. Remember Odysseus.

Odysseus; my personal favourite Greek hero. On his voyage home he had faced so many perils. But which would have my friends ensnared. Calypso? But Percy told me she was actually pretty nice, and live on an island. Circe? Percy  and Annabeth had faced her also and come on top, unleashing a hoard of angry pirates on her. I thought a little more; the Lotus-Eaters.

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