Chapter 8: A Visit Through Past Experiences

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Hello my little M&M's! It is me! The one and only MissMythoMagic! I'm back with more Daughter of the Sea chapters! Everyone cheer with me! YAY! *awkward silence with only me cheering* Yeah ...

In other news, Annabeth hasn't had much input, so some of this chapter is in her POV. But this book is about Rebecca, so yeah. I hope you enjoy this anyway ...

~A N N A B E T H   C H A S E~

I checked my backpack for the fourth time.

I had a pack of ambrosia, a whole canteen full of nectar, a bag of mortal money and some drachmas, a couple of granola bars, my water bottle, spare clothes.

I also had the bone sword Damasen had given to me in Tartarus in a sheath on my belt. I could’ve had a new blade forged for me by the Hephaestus kids, but I kept this one as a reminder of the sacrifices we had to make in the war against Gaia.

I leant against Thalia’s pine tree as I waited for Percy and Rebecca. I hoped the girl hadn’t taken on Percy’s laziness. One Percy was enough, but two were probably more than I could handle.

‘There you are! Argus is waiting for us!’ I exclaimed as Percy jogged up the hill, Rebecca in tow.

They both looked better after last night’s ordeal with the sea serpent. They wore fresh Camp Half-Blood t-shirts and jeans. Rebecca’s waist length hair was tied back in a tight plait. It was amazing and kind of scary how alike they looked.

‘Sorry we’re late,’ Rebecca said. ‘I’ve just discovered that my brother is a really heavy sleeper. And he snores.’

Percy coughed, ‘I do not!’

I rolled my eyes, ignoring him, ‘Tell me about it.’

‘I was just about to sit on him,’ Rebecca grinned. ‘But he woke up. Shame.’

I chuckled along with her while Percy glared at us.

‘Can we get going?’ he asked eventually.

‘Sure,’ I said. ‘Percy, I like your sister.’

Rebecca grinned at me while Percy shook his head, pushing past us to get down the hill, ‘Of course you do.’

Rebecca shrugged, ‘I’m just that awesome.’

‘Whatever you say,’ Percy called over his shoulder.

I chuckled, ‘We better go after him, before he blows something up.’

She frowned, ‘Does that happen a lot?’

I hesitated, ‘Uh, not particularly, just sometimes; or often. Or pretty much every other day.’

She nodded, ‘So, a lot.’

I swung my arm around her shoulders, steering her towards the van parked at the base of the hill, ‘You’ll get used to it. Camp Half-Blood is always pretty crazy. Say, did you get a weapon?’

Her fingers drifted up to the silver necklace I saw around her neck on the first day, ‘Yeah, why?’

I bit my lip, ‘The outside world is a dangerous place for a demigod; monsters everywhere you go. If you’re not armed, you’re worse off.’

She frowned, ‘But if there’s monsters everywhere, how come I was never attacked before Central Park?’

I had to think about that one, ‘You lived in Australia, right? That’s outside the sphere of the god’s control. Maybe the monsters ignored you because you weren’t in range. That was smart of your mom and stepdad.’

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