Chapter 7: What The Hades Do We Do Now?

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Hi everyone! I've got news so this might be a much longer AN. You can skip it if you want, but it holds important information.

First off, it's been so long since I've updated this! I put it on hold for a little while because I wanted to focus more on some other stories and I ran out of ideas. But I am pleased to say that I've come up with some wonderful complications for all the characters *insert evil laugh here* I've come so far from when I first started writing this. And that means some changes. 

The first thing is that I went back and changed everything from third person to first person. I like first better so I went and changed it all. I also rewrote a few things, but there aren't any major differences so it should be okay.

The second thing is that I changed the chapter names and the title of the book. I think they're a little more exciting now.

The third thing is that my writing style may have changed a little bit, and I'm sorry for that, but I can't really help it.

I'm also attempting to make a trailer for the book. I don't know how well I'll do, but I'll let you all know when it's finished. I hope that it'll be good, but I'm not brilliant at all this stuff.

And my most exciting news of all ... i'm going to make this a series! Cheer with me! *cricket cricket* Or not ... Anyway, I've started making this a series of five (possibly more) books. As I already mentioned, the title has been changed and the series is going to be called "So You Wanna Be A Demigod" and of course this is book one. Then there's Born on the 13th, a Broken Oath, Gods United and Secrets Unveiled. I don't wanna give away too much, but the first three introduce five new characters of my own while the last two are crossovers between the Kane Chronicles and Harry Potter.

Again, sorry for the long AN, but I had to update you on everything new. Thank you all for sticking with me this far and for putting up with me. I know there is so many daughter of Poseidon fanfics out there and I'm so happy you chose mine to read. I'll do my best to make mine unique because there will hopefully be a big shocker at the end. Thank you all so much and I hope you enjoy.

~P E R C Y   J A C K S O N~

Ignoring the ruckus around me, I picked up my sister and started out of the Big House.

'Percy!' Chiron called after me. 'Wait!'

But I didn't break my stride. I had to make sure Rebecca was okay. I had been on my own my entire life, and now I had the chance to look after my very own little sister; to have a real family. I had to look after her first, before anyone else.

I carried Rebecca out of the Rec Room, onto the porch, down the stairs and across the field. Behind me, campers and councillors called my name. I ignored them.


Dang it! The one person I could never ignore.

I froze in my tracks and faced Annabeth. I tried to make my expression look desperate and almost angry, because that’s how I felt.

'I'm not going back,' I warned her.

She shook her head, 'I wasn't expecting you to. I wanted to come with you.'

I stared at her in surprise until she tugged on my sleeve, manoeuvring me to the Poseidon cabin.

We lay the daughter of the sea god on her bunk. Her brow was creased and she tossed beneath the sheets, like she was being chased by something in her nightmares.

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