" Will You Marry Me ........?"

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Shannon POV

Yesterday I told Rose and Rosie that I was going to ask Cammie to marry me. I got approval from her parents and my parents are thrilled.  I had it all planned out. Perfectly.

" Hey Babe" I said to Cammie. " Can you go with Rose to the store and get shaving cream for a youtube video we are going to do , i have to edit a video" I said. " Yea sure come on Rose" Cammie said giving me a kiss and grabbing her keys. " Bye guys " Rose said following behind Cammie.

I watched as they left the driveway. " Y/N .... SIERRA" I shouted. " Can you come here for a second" They came down the stairs still in their Pj's. " well.... I am going to ask Cammie to marry me when she gets back from the store" I said showing them the silver ring with a pretty big diamond. " Awww.... Its beautiful... I am So Happy for you guys " Y/N said hugging me. " She will say Yes" Sierra said hugging me. Their hugs gave me confidence. " Help me cut off rose petals" I said grabbing fake roses.

We cut up all the roses and spread them from the door way out to the backyard. I had a chair set up with a boquet of white roses. I had the ring in my pocket. " They just pulled up " Rosie said coming to the kitchen. " Ok tell her to follow the roses" i said going out by the chairs. 

I was so nervous. 

Cammies POV

We pulled up in the driveway and got out. Rose was being quiet which got me confused. I opened the door to find rose petals leading a path. " Follow the petals " Rosie said walking to Rose grabbing her hand. 

I followed them to see Shannon by a chair with White roses. " Sit down" Shannon said removing the roses handing them to her. I sat and tears started to form in my eyes. Shannon grabbed my hand and looked in my eyes. Her hand was shaking. 

" Cammie , from our first text message on tumblr to are hour long facetime calls i knew you were the one. Our first date , moving to La , are youtube videos together, and adopting are own kid together..." Shannon said as tears started to come down my face. These were tears of happiness. " You are my partner in crime and my best friend. I Love you so much it hurts. I wake up and see your beautiful face. I have a Oh-Wow moment everyday of my life when i am with you. I love you" Shannon said. " I love you too " I managed to get out. 

 Shannon then got on one knee and went into her pocket. I was shaking so bad. " was she really" i thought to my self. She pulled out a ring box and let go of my hand. "Camden Scott, Will You Marry Me ? " Shannon said. The words left her mouth beautiful with no nervous stutter. I was in tears of joy. 

I grabbed Shannon's hand and brang her to her feet. I stood up and kissed her. " Is that a Yes" Shannon said pulling away from the kiss. " Yes, Of course i will marry you baby" I said hugging her as tightly as i could. I Love Shannon So Much. I heard " Awww" come from the roses and Y/N and Sierra. " Good, beacause your a the beveridge i always wanted" shannon said kissing me. We were finally going to be a true one family. 

-5 hours later-


You and Sierra were at home alone watching " Once Upon A Time" . Shannon and Cammie and The Roses went out to a bar to celebrate. You were so happy for them. " I Love You" Sierra said out of the blue looking up at your jawline. She was cuddled up to you like a kola bear. You Loved her. " I Love You Too Babygirl" you said kissing her forehead. " I love the cute nicknames you give me" She said then started to kiss you. 

For the rest of the night you watched Tv shows and movies. Today was a fun and surprising day.

A/N How did you guy like that? Comment some ideas for the next chapter. Thank You guys for 1.8k reads. This is amazing. Love You all.

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