Chapter 14

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Chapter 14-God lost angle and it spread all over

        God used all of his power of the prayers and he looked at it and he had now 120 prayers as he took a walk to the bottom of his castle as he relax in his hidden pool as he float in the water as he took a restful sleep as the water get rid of the stress off his shoulder as he heard the angels thought that calm him as he traveled to each of the angels of their smiling face or there thought as he kept sneaking into their minds without notice until he says something to them. He drifted around the pool for three hours until he walked back up as his butler came up and told him that some of the angels are here with there issues or why they died like they did as god explain to them on how they died or what have they become to heaven assistance in the war. God asked the butler if he heard anything back from celiac the spy one in hell as the butler shook his hand as god told him to fetch the other spy angel. He waited for 30 minutes until the angel came through the door with a look of distrust look at his face. What happen to the angel asked god as he walked over to the angel. Lucifer and his demons found out and they fed her to the dragons over and over until he turns her evil and fight against us said angel. God feel to his bed covers as he looked at the angel looking into his mind as he saw what the lord in hell did to his angels as he looked at the window as he looked at the cloud birds as he nodded to them as they took off to tell the horrible news as he heard the cries of his fellow angles of another angel being tortured as he shut his window to be alone.

        Chase woke from his slumber as he heard the bell ring outside and also the tv turned into snow as he listen what just happen in hell as he bit down his knuckles as he try not to scream as his father came to his side and asked what is wrong as he hold his son. Dad...Celiac is getting killed in hell by dragons over and over until Lucifer turns her evil dad said chase as he cried with his son as they relax out to sleep on the couch.  Until all over heaven they heard god cries as it starts to rain on earth all of a sudden as it turns into grief with the other angles.

Guradian angel -Hell takes Earth CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now