Chapter 5

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Chapter 5-Chase hangs with chaz

       Chase walked around the house at Seven o clock this Morning until he reached the garage and he see his car and got in as he see a letter to chase with the keys inside from john. It said to chase I hope you will be back soon so we can hang or saving the world, and he leave the keys incase you come back if I am here or not but I cant wait to see but I know iam dead because Jackson told me about 2 years after sarah son was born but I will see you and have fun with the car from john. Chase put the letter in his chest pocket of his jacket as he turned on the car as he open the garage door and drove his car on the driveway. He went to get a bucket and a sponge as he filled the bucket with soap until he heard a voice behind him. Can I help asked chaz as he looked down at the sidewalk. Yeah you can come here said chase as he told chaz to spray the car as chase rubbed it down with soap and told chaz to spray again. As they waited for the car to dry, chaz had a juice box as chase has drink of pepsi as they sat on the step to the house. Can we go to the park asked chaz. Yeah go asked your mom said chase as he watch chaz run into the house. Alright chase take care of him and feed him lunch said sarah. I will said chase as he buckled him in the back seat and then drove off to the park.

     Chase parked the car and help chaz out of the car as chase close the door and hold chaz's hand as he led him to the park as chase sat on a bench. Alright chaz no talking to strangers, and stay in my sight said chase as he looked in chaz in the eyes.  Alright my angel said chaz as he ran to the playground as the other kids ran on it.  Chase pulled out his phone as he took picture of chaz on the playground to show sarah when they get back. Your child is beautiful said a lady that had dark blond hair with blue eyes. Oh no he not my son, iam just watching him while his mom is out said chase. That nice and my name is Gina said gina. I am chase and it good to meet you said chase. You too said gina. Which one is your asked chase. Oh the one in the pink shirt is Tessa said gina as she watch her daughter play with chaz and her friends. Your daughter is beautiful said chase. Thank you as she read her book. Chase watch the kids run around with laughter as the emotion go high but un heaven it much different from these two worlds as he continued his thought he heard a noise that made all the kids scream to go to their parents for the ice cream that stop by the park for the children. Chase can I get ice cream asked chaz smiling. Yeah lets go said chase as he grab chaz grab his arms and dragged him to the ice cream truck. Chaz got a chocolate fudge ice cream cookie as they both sat on a bench as chaz ate his ice cream and chase heard his question in his head as he waited for chaz to be done eating.

       Okay chaz what do you want to asked me asked chase as he looked at chaz. How did you know asked chaz as he wiped his face. Because I can hear your thought said chase as he touch his head. Chaz laugh as he pound his fist against the table as he tried to breath. Your funny chase said chaz. Chase smiled at chaz as he looked like sarah with his laughter like hers when she was his age sort of. Alright um what powers do you have as a angel asked chaz. Well I can use different elements, control people, I can fly, and others said chase as he squeeze his hands. Cool um grow that plant right here said chaz as he pointed to a leaf. Chase nodded as he used a spell called ger ui yet nib as the plant grew to a beautiful blue rose. Chaz bend down and pulled the plant out of the ground as he look at chase with wide eyes. That was awesome said chaz as he sat down and put the flower in his pocket. Ok um I would like to know what she is saying but I like to hear it said chaz with a smile on his face. Alright after that no more said chase as he wink at chase. Chase put his hands on chaz head as he said sop huy vat ded as chaz heard the girl talk to him about his cute hair and smile and then she left with her parent as the spell wore off. She like me chase said chaz. I know I heard too said chase as he fist pump chaz fist as he smiled. Chase are you my friend asked chaz. Yes I am chaz but we should go home said chase as he stood up. Chaz grabbed chase hands as they walked out of the park as chase put chaz in the front seat as chaz pulled into an alley way. What are we doing asked chaz. We are going to teleport home said chase as chaz smiled. Next thing chaz know he in the driveway of his home as he looked at chase with shock on his face. Yep I knew it, just like your mother said chase as he flashed chaz out of the car as he stood next to chase. That was awesome said chaz as he hugged chase. Yes it is said chase as he brought chaz to the door as he opened it as he saw sarah coming out of the kitchen with white powder on her face as she was making cookies.

           Hey guys how was the park asked sarah as she hugged chaz. It was fun, I got ice cream and chase showed me his powers as he made this flower come to life said chaz as he gave it to sarah. It beautiful said sarah. Yeah and then chase gave me super hearing so I can listen to the girl talk to me about how my hair looked and my face and then we got into the car and the next thing I know we were in the driveway and then chase did again as he poof me out of the car and now were here telling you about well just me said chaz as he finally took a breath. Wow I guess you had a fun day said sarah. I did and chase is my new guardian friend said chaz. That good so get cleaned up will have dinner soon said sarah. Okay said chaz as he ran to the bathroom. So you showed him your powers but not me said sarah. Yeah I did and you never asked said chase. Well next time I will said sarah as she took her apron off and used the napkin to wipe off the powder. Yes you should and mike home as chase open the door to reveal mike as he stood there with his hand out to open the door. Um hey said mike as he walk inside the house. Hey honey and you should get use to it said sarah. I will said mike as he kissed his wife as chase closed the door. So how were the boys said mike as he look at chase and laugh. They went to the park but I will have chaz tell you said sarah. Ok and I love the flower said mike. I know and chase used his power to do that said chaz as he stood by his father. Awesome and what for dinner love asked john as he kissed her. Ewe said chaz as he stood behind chase laughing. Well it spaghetti and for desert cookies said sarah as she saw chase remove from chaz ears. Yes I love it and are you going to eat chase asked chaz.  Um no angels cant eat said chase. Ohhhh said chaz. Yeah so lets eat said sarah.

       They ate their dinner until it was chaz bedtime as he waited for chase to come and tell him the story part too. Alright you want to hear about the battle in heaven said chase. Yes says chaz. Okay chase told the story from the begging as heaven was about to be attack as he went to sarah to protect her in her teens and then being fought by demon as chaz eyes widening as he heard the part of the heaven fight as he grip the cover until he loosen when they won the battle as there god came back and then sarah told the part when she saw her mother and then chase left as it ended there.  That is a good story said chaz. Yes it is but know time for bed so dream about the story so you can be in it said sarah as she kissed her son head and mike also did it as they went to their room as chase was left. Goodnight kid said chase as he hugged him and ruffled his hair and then snapped his fingers as the night lite comes on and chase stood by the door until chaz called to chase. I love you chase said chaz as he rolled over and fell asleep. Goodnight kid as he closed the door as he went to the living room to keep a eye out for danger as the moon shine bright.

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