First day in Korean School

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When Jessica was on the plane to South Korea she was listening to BTS music. She loved their voices and music. When Jessica made it to South Korean she called for a cab and they gave her a ride to her house that she bought. She was an artist that sold her painting for money. She was only 17 years old and in high school. So she needed money.

She got to her house and ate some dinner. Then she went and took a shower, after that she had to let her dog out. Then she went to bed and had a good rest. She awoke with her alarm clock blaring at her and she groaned. "First day of school." She thought. She was abit excited though, She knew BTS went to this school and she couldn't wait to meet them. After she dressed and got ready for her day, she let her dog out. She grabbed her car keys and waited a bit before letting Sadie back in. She got in to her car and drove to school. When she got there she parked her car in the parking lot.

She glanced up at the school and gripped her backpack tighter. She was nervous, scared, and full out excited. She wondered around for a while but grew confused about were the principles office. She then caught a glimpse of something and her heart exploded. There in front of her, walking by, was BTS, themselves. She held her breath and walked over. She tapped one on the shoulder, and he looked at her. Jessica was surprised of which one she tapped on the shoulder.

He asked , "What do you need? " He looked her up and down as she fiddled wit her fingers. "Wait you are the new girl." She nodded nervously. "Indeed I am. I was wondering where the principle office was." He smiled."Its over there a crossed the cafeteria. What's your name by the way?" She chuckled. "I'm Jessica and you must be Jungkook from BTS." He laughed and nodded."Yes I am and how did you know that?"

"I listen to your music and BTS songs. I dance to them and try singing them quite often." She grew shy as they walked to the principles office."Wait you like Korean music? Jungkook asked."Yea I liked it for most of my whole life. I am in South Korea." Jessica explained. "Sweet, what's your favorite band?" he asked excitedly."BTS and Bigbang," she giggled. "Cool."

"Well I got to go to class see you around." he waved as they arrived at the office."Yea you to." She sighed and waved back, watching him turn and leave.They walked separate ways, but then they looked back and stared at each other . They smiled. Then Jessica turned and went into the principles office and got her schedule. The principle walked her to her class and she walked into a class. She looked around the class. When she looked around, she saw Jungkook and an empty seat next to him. The teacher introduced her the class and she told the class that she loves to draw, dance, and love kpop music. She walked to her seat and then she saw the rest of BTS members around JungKook. She sat in the empty seat and got her drawing book out and started to doodle.

Rap Monster went over when the teacher left the room to use the bathroom. He took a look at Jessicas drawing and laughed. He snatched the paper up and ripped the paper to peices , then threw it away. Jessica got up and glared at him. "What the hell was the for?!" Jessica snapped. "Because I wanted to," Rap monster smirked. "I love Bts but I wont no more. I thought you were different and nicer because of you music. I see differently now." Jessica frowned."I'm sorry Jessica." Rap Monster sighed.

Jessica started to cry and punched the wall really hard with her left wrist that she broke while playing freshman football in 9th grade. She had metal in her left wrist, and it hurt badly. She ran out of the classroom. She left the school, but Jungkook ran after her and grabbed her hand. He stopped her and saw her hand she couldn't move it. Jungkook picked her up bride-style and took her to his car. He then drove quickly and took her to the hospital. 

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