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Jessica got a text from BTS saying that they were going to be late for school and then Jessica told them okay see yah soon. Jessica got in her car and drove to school and she parked her car then she got out. She was heading inside until Girls Generation came to her and pushed her to the ground. Then she got up then they started to punched Jessica and  they stared to kicked her and punched her. Then they picked her up and then threw Jessica then she landed on her left wrist. She started to bleeding on her leg, arm, and her face. They kept punching her and kicking her she couldn't hardly  breath because they were kicking her in her ribs. 

Then the the fans ran saw BTS and ran up to them and said "Princess  is getting beat every since this morning and she not breathing hardly.

They all said  "where and who beating her up?"

One of them said  "beside the school and Girl Generation is."

They said  "thanks."

They all started to run and then when they approached Girl Generation they pushed them to the ground. They had a evil face on them. Then Jungkook ran to Jessica and saw her pasted out and not breathing .

Jungkook yelled  "call 911."

They saw Jungkook started to cry because she wasn't breathing .

Jin said "happy you bitches  you made her not breath and past right out."

Sunny said "thats what she get for stealing Jungkook and all of you guys."

Rap Monster went up Sunny and slapped her and  said "BITCH!"

J-Hope called 911 and they were on there way fast and they all had a smirk on them because they were planning on doing something to them. 

Girl Generation got scared and ran off. When the ambulance came they went to Jessica and put her in the it and Jungkook went inside the ambulance. They were driving fast. When Jungkook put  hi soft lips on Jessica lips she started to breath again and woke up slowly. 

He said "Babe you alive damn you scared me."

She said "babe im sorry and I what died."

Jungkook said "Yes."

Jessica had tears coming down her face and Jungkook said  "whats wrong?"

"I died when I was three and you did the same thing has my mom did, "Jessica said .

"Really  are you okay," Jungkook asked.

"Yes i'm fine and oww!" Jessica saiD. 

"Jessica whats wrong?" Jungkook said.

"My left wrist really hurts she picked me up and threw me on the concrete." Jessica said.

 Jungkook looked at her wrist and his eyes was widden. He told Jessica well its going to hurt for a while and swollen badly. 

Jessica ask Jungkook "babe can you sing for me?"

Jungkook said " Yes I can what song."

Jessica said "I like it."

Jungkook said "okay ill do it when we get in the hospital I will sing and dance for you."

Jessica said  "thanks baby."

They arrived at the hospital and they got her out and put her in her room. They cleaned her wounds and bandage them and wrapped her left arm with one to and put a bandage  on her face. 

All the members went to Jungkook and ask him "how is she?"

Jungkook said  "she fine she wants all of us to sing and dance to I like it."

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