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They were heading out to get ready for there concert. Jessica parents were coming and she didn't know. Her parents was in the front rows. Everybody was getting ready for the concert. All the BTS members came to get ready they were putting there clothes on and got there microphone on.

They were heading towards the stage and they started to sing Just one Day.  When the song was over they introduce themselves. 

Jessica said  "hi I Princess and i'm new in the  group, and i'm the youngest in the group  and always will be." 

They all started to yell when Jessica introduce her self.

Jessica was looking down and she saw her parents she said "oh my god my parents came."

She started to cry and went down and her knees and started to cry hard but when she feels a hand on her back. Her eyes opened because she knew who hands there are.

Jessica said  "J-Jungkook."

Jungkook said "yes its me."

Jessica said "c-can you s-sing to me to calm me d-down please babe."

Jungkook said  "yes I will my princess."

Jungkook started to sing hold me tight and Jessica started to calm down. 

She got up and said "sorry about that this is my first time seeing my parents in such a long time and i'm so shocked right now and I want to sing a song for my dad that is our song for awhile and i cry everytime I listen to it so pleas enjoy and its called Photograph by Nickelback."

Jessica started to sing " Look at this photograph everytime it make me laugh."

Jessica continue to sing that song and the rest of the BTS didn't care but they were shocked on how she sang that song and Jessica had tears coming down her cheek. Jungkook went up to Jessica and rubbed her back and she stop crying she sang with all her hearts and at the end of the song she said "i'm a daddy's girl and I love you dad and I hope you are having fun."

Then after that they all went back to singing and stopped in the middle to get a drink and Jessica sang first with Jungkook to BUTTERFLY  and it was almost the ending of the concert and they all bowed and said thanks for coming and I hope you enjoyed the show.

At the end of the concert they all went back stage and talked and they all looked at Jessica and  "you did a great job Princess and you may want to look behind you."

Jessica looked behind her and saw her dad in the wheelchair and ran to him and yelled "daddy why didn't you tell me that you were coming."

jessica dad said "because it wouldn't had been a suprised and you didn't answer your phone when I called you. So when I called you Rap Monster answered it and told me that you were busy dancing and singing. So I told him and I told him to tell every body and not to tell you because I wanted to see you face and thanks for our song baby girl you did a wonderful job and love you to."

Jessica said , "well it worked and your welcome daddy.

When they hugged Jessica had tears coming down her face and she was happy because her dream came true of her dad coming down to watch her first concert. They all went out to eat and after that they all went home but Jessica parents came to stay with her and went to her room and her dad gave her bought her a new cross necklance. Jessica walked out of her room and hugged both of her partent and took the other one off and put the other one on. 

 Jessica turned around and said  "thanks."

They both said at the same time "your welcome Jessica we got you this because you never give up on your dream and you made us proud we love  you Jessica and cool nickname it suits you by the way."

Jessica said  "thanks and I thought it would because when mom and I went to the store that made the perfume and ask if I wanted to try my smell he called me princess and ever since that I wanted that to be my nickname when I became famous and it came true its all thanks to you guys to make me what I am today." 

They both went to Jessica and smiled and kisses her on the for head and all said night to each other. Jungkook and Jessica went to there room and Jessica went up toward Jungkook and kissed him on the lips and said thanks babe you the best boyfriend ever love you night. Then they went to bed and past out. During the night Jessica was  woke up because she heard her dad got up and then Jessica went down stairs to check on him. When Jessica arrived in the kitchen  she ask  her dad if he alright. He told her that he fine and told her to go back to bed and that he will see her tomorrow. So Jessica went to bed and she cuddled up to Jungkook and then her dad went to bed in his room.

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