Going to Bigbang Concert

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When Jessica went to her locker she opened it  and screamed  out loud. Jungkook and Jimin ran to Jessica and ask her whats wrong.

Jessica told them " I got BigBang tickets it's tomorrow at 6pm."

Jungkook and Jimin said "we are going to."

"Really  you are with who." Jessica ask.

"With our band we have to," Jungkook said.

"Oh really  cool." Jessica said sadly.

Jessica wanted to go with them but they were going with there band BTS. So Jessica had to go by herself. It  was the day for the concert  and  Taeyang texted Jessica about were she going to sit and Jessica was happy. Jessica was getting ready, but she did not have a ride to the concert. Then Taeyang  texted her and told her that he will pick her up for the concert.   He told her that  she can sit next to BTS  and she was happy and send a smiley face. 

Jungkook texts Jessica  "hey are you getting a ride to the BigBang concert."

Jessica said "yea Taeyang."

Jungkook replied "oh cool."

"See you when you get here I guess." Jungkook said.

"Yep you too," Jessica said.

Taeyang was outside and was waiting.  Jessica looked out of the window and went outside to his car. Taeyang looked at Jessica  with a wow face. Jessica smiled at Taeyang and got in the car. Taeyang  looked at her and told her that she looked pretty. She was blushing at him and they went to the concert. He showed her the seat by Jungkook and Jimin. Jungkook  looked at Jessica and told her that she was beautiful. She was blushing really bad around Jungkook. 

He ask her " are you dating him?"

"NO WHY?!" she said.

"Because I like you and I got Jealous because you were with Taeyang." he said.

"Dont worry I dont like Taeyang he just my  best friend and I like you only." she said.

"Really Jessica." he said.

"Yea I want to go out with you Jungkook." Jessica said.

"I do to Jessica." Junkook said.

They got closer and closer and Jungkook kissed Jessica on the lips. She was happy  that she got the man she wanted and that he not mean to her or anything  and that she can trust him  forever. The concert was about to start and the first song was tell me goodbye and Jessica was singing it out loud with bigbang and they stared at her and they stopped the song.

Taeyang said " We would like Jessica to come up here and sing with us."

Jungkook told her "go ahead I will watch you  and wave my arms up."

Jessica started to smile and  told him, "im scared i've never been on the stage before."

He told her  "its going to be okay  go."

Then she went up there and started to sing with them. The crowd started to wave and started to yell at the song they were so excited that there was a girl singing with them. When the song was over the fans yelled for another song.

The crowed said " sing Coffee."

They looked at Jessica at nod there head at her and then she looked surprised  but upset  because she wanted to be by her boyfriend Jungkook.

 They said  to her "its okay Jessica."

Taeyang  said " you can sing any part its okay."

Jessica looked at them  "okay I will.

They started to sing  there parts but Jessica started to sing  " Nega anjaitteon geu hayan eui jamani Ne hyanggireul gieokhago Nega tteonan huro chagaun jeongjeokmani Neol kidarigo inneun jageun cafe"

Jessica sang it with her hurt to Jungkook and she looked at him while singing it Jungkook was in love and  suprised that she sang with her heart. 

"Oh please don't leave me alone na eotteokharago Moduga jamdeun bam wae nal honja duryeogo," she sang it with Taeyang. That all she sung so she went to give all her friends a hug. 

she went  to her boyfriend Jungkook gave him a hug and a kiss and when she looked at the rest of the BTS member they were shocked, but pissed off at her for going up on stage. 

When the concert was over she told Jungkook  "i'll be back i'm going to the bathroom."

Jungkook said, "okay i'll be waiting."

When she was  going to the bathroom Rap Monster and the rest of the rest the Bts members  came to her and pushed her to the wall and told her to dont you even sing or go by Jungkook or else. She was scared she started crying and Junkook ran to her.

Jungkook asked her  "what wrong what happened tell me."

Jessica told him  "R -RAP M-Monster told me stay away from you and don't sing or else and they pushed me to the wall."

Jungkook  said  "that's it's i'm sick of them and I will do with him.'

Jungkook walked ehr to his car and got in the car with him and started to sing  Just One Day to Jessica to calm her down and it work. When he dropped Jessica off he gave her a kiss on the lips Jessica was not scared anymore. When Jungkook left her house he was really pissed off and went to Rap Monster  house. 

"Stay away from my girl and dont tell her  to stay away," Jungkook pushed Rap Monster and said it.

Jimin walked in and asked them "what the hell is going on here dudes."

Jungkook told Jimin "Rap Monster pushed my girl and told her to stop singing and stay away from me or else."

Jimin went to Rap Monster  and told  him  " you better stay away from Jessica or else."

Rap monster was giving them a both a smirk on his face because he was going to do something horrible to Jessica. Jungkook and Jimin were really pissed off and they new  something was going to happen to her horribly . 

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