Chapter 10: Awkward Rejection and Realisations

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A/N: Another update while I can!  Enjoy!  Read, vote, comment! x

Harry's POV

Maybe I could take them somewhere tomorrow?

Show them around the town, all the best places to visit and all the secret spots that only locals know.

My thoughts are interrupted as my phone rings. I glance down at it just as I hit the answer button on the steering wheel.

"Ryan!" I greet my mate from high school, "how are you?"

"Awesome Styles, as usual!" he replies with equal enthusiasm, "heard you were back in town, thought I'd see if you want to pop around for a few quiet drinks with the lads?"

Any other time I'd be up for it, but after the relaxing evening I've just had with Beth, I'd rather go home and crawl into bed to be honest.

"Yeah mate, look I might give it a miss tonight," I say, "I'm on my way home..."

"Then you can easily take a detour and come for a catch up!" he interrupts me, "come on Haz, everyone will be stoked to see you man!"

I suppose I really don't have anywhere to be tomorrow morning, what harm can it do? And Ryan is right when he says I'm already out in my car.

"Okay, okay," I give in, "I'll see you shortly."

"Yes!" he says, and I'm sure he's fist pumping the air, "I'll have a cold beer waiting for you!"

He hangs up and I can't help but smile at his enthusiasm. It will be good to catch up with the boys I must admit.

I drive for about another five minutes and finally pull up out the front of Ryan's house. Well, a couple of houses down admittedly as there are a few cars parked outside. I hope it's not overcrowded inside, it's not what I'm really in the mood for.

I turn the engine off and get out of the rover, locking it securely before I walk up to the front door.

I can hear the thumping beat of the music from the other side of the door, its pulsing and now I really know this is no quiet little get together chat that I was hoping for.

I don't bother knocking, I simply turn the door handle and walk in. Music, yelling and a smoky room immediately greets me and I almost consider turning around and heading straight back out the door.

"Haz! Haz!" I hear Ryan's voice as he yells out my name.


Too late.

He walks over to me and I make my way towards him, as I navigate my way through the bodies standing around the room.

Or dancing.

At least I think it's dancing.

Some of these people should probably be laying down in a bed naked with what they're demonstrating as a form of 'dancing.'

Ryan pulls me in for a hug and I return it with equal enthusiasm. It is good to see him.

He lets go but keeps and arm around my shoulders.

"Hazza my man, let's get you that beer!" he says and I'm pretty sure he's already sampled a few himself.

We walk into the kitchen and a few of our other mates greet us and its manly hugs all round before a cold bottle of beer is thrust into my hand.

"Drink up buttercup!" Ryan says, a loopy grin on his face.

Someone turns the music up even louder and he starts to dance as best as a half-assed drunk man can, saluting me before he heads back to the lounge and loses himself among the crush of gyrating bodies.

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