Chapter 14: Infinity Symbols and Secret Sleepovers

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A/N: Thanks to everyone who's read, voted, commented and sent me little messages...I really, really do appreciate it! x

Harry's POV

As I walk down the stairs and reach the bottom, I do indeed hear a conversation regarding ice cream for dinner.

Nice try kids, but not tonight.

"Look, if we at least have some fruit, it'll balance the ice cream out, that's what mum always tells us," Nick says, trying to convince the others.

"Won't mum get angry with us?" Chloe asks him.

"If we clean up afterwards and do the dishes, she'll never know," Nick reasons.

"But I'll know," I say as I walk into the lounge area to find them still in their pyjamas huddling under their doonas.

"Harry!" Jamie and Chloe say with great excitement.

'Hey Harry," Nick's greeting is a little cooler, and to probably be expected since I'm sure he knows that I've just foiled his plan for an ice cream dinner.

"Have you been looking after my mum?" Jamie asks.

"Yeah, she's been sleeping on and off but she's asleep again," I reply, "I thought I'd get you guys some dinner though."

"We have it under control," Nick says.

I remind myself that I need to tread lightly here.  I'm not their dad, hell, I'm not even related to them in any way at all.  They don't have to actually listen or do anything I say.  But I want them to know I'm here to help them while their mum isn't well.

"I'm sure you do, but I was actually thinking of getting you something that isn't here," I say to Nick, "that is, if it's alright with you?"

"What is it?" Jamie's eyes light up.

"Pizza?" I reply.

"Yes!" they chorus.

Pizza it is then.

I ring up and place an order for three pizzas to be delivered, any leftovers can be eaten tomorrow.  I decide to try and make conversation, okay some may say pry, with them, garner some information.

"So how are you guys finding it here so far?" I ask casually, as I sit down on the couch next to Jamie.

"It's okay," Chloe says, "though we haven't really seen much yet."

"Mum says we have to work around here and help out," Nick says unenthusiastically, "I didn't come here to work, and it's a freaking holiday!"

"But mum wanted to come here so we kind of have to do what she says," Jamie says.

"No she didn't!" Chloe defends Beth, "she said we should have a white Christmas and we should pick somewhere to go!  Get your facts right Jamie!" she narrows her eyes at her brother.

I can see that Chloe would defend Beth right to the end.  Not that the boys probably wouldn't, but I don't think Beth could do any wrong in her eyes.  She loves her mum a hell of a lot and heaven help anyone who would harm her.

"So why did your mum decide on a white Christmas?" I ask, curiosity gets the better of me and with Beth's children speaking so freely about why they're here, they might give me some answers.

There's dead silence.

The children all look at each other and I can see the silent conversation that takes place between them.

Maybe I won't get the answers I'm looking for.

"Well after last Christmas..." Chloe finally breaks the silence.

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