Chapter 24: Bathroom Hijackings and Sweet Angels

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A/N: so here's Harry's POV that I know you've all been waiting for...sweet drunk Harry...enjoy! x

Harry's POV

As I drive to mum's I must admit I am excited to be seeing everyone and spending time with them. And being Christmas makes it just that little bit extra special.

Beth didn't answer my text message and I kind of thought she might, but then again, she's not like anyone else I've ever met.

She did send me a little happy face back in response to my text. Most other girls I know would have been angry or upset with me for having to change plans like that. In the past I have been on the receiving end of unpleasant text messages or screaming girls on the phone.

And yet Beth is so very matter of fact about it. She gets it.

I can't wait to see her tonight and to give her the gift I've bought her. I hope she likes it. She doesn't strike me as the type to expect fancy or expensive things, but it doesn't mean she shouldn't be given them from time to time.

I pull up at mum's and see there's already quite a few cars here, so I end up parking in front of the neighbours instead.

I turn the engine off and suddenly remember I have all these pastries I had planned to take over to Beth's.


They won't taste as nice by this evening.

I decide I'll take them into mum's and buy some more another day instead. I'm sure my younger cousins will eat them all easily.

I pick them up and grab only the bags that have everyone's Christmas gifts for here and hop out of the rover, locking it before I walk up to mum's.

The door is unlocked so I walk straight in and it smells amazing already.

That warm, homey, winter, comfort, food type smell that I don't think one word can describe.

It smells like home.

"Harry!" my mum calls out as soon as I walk down the hall and into the kitchen.

Soon it's a chorus of people as I'm enveloped in kisses, hugs and handshakes from the people that I hold most dear to me.

I give mum the boxes of pastries, which in turn receives a quizzical look from her.

"Just thought I'd bring something, since there were going to be so many here today?" I say.

"Thank you Harry," she says as she makes room for them in the fridge and I know she's not buying it but she's not saying anything else.

Thank god.

It's not that I don't want to tell her about Beth, it's's complicated.

Which if I was updating my Facebook status would be too easy.

But I'm not and since Beth and I don't even know what we are, I'm just gonna stay quiet about her for now.

I'll bring her and the kids around to meet mum and Robin without all the extended family another day.

I head into the lounge room where the Christmas tree is and I pull out my gifts from the bags I brought inside and place them under the tree with all the other gifts.

"Harry love!" I hear my name being called.

I turn and see my great-gran in the corner of the lounge, quietly watching everyone around her. I walk over and pull up a chair next to her for a chat.

"Hey Gran," I reply as I put my arm around her shoulder and give her a hug.

She may be in her 90's but she's still really with it mentally, she's a spritely old chick.

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