Chapter 61: Party Poppers and Midnight Kisses

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Beth's POV

We finish a delicious dinner which was prepared only for Harry's family and mine, and it was nice because I got to chat with Anne, Robin and Gemma a little bit more.

Harry hasn't left my side and has been attentive to me the entire evening.

If he isn't holding my hand, his hand is either resting on my thigh or wrapped around my back.

And Anne doesn't seem to mind in the slightest.

We're currently helping to clear the table and reset it with food for the party guests that will be arriving shortly.

"Darn!" I hear Robin mutter to himself.

"Everything okay?" I ask him.

"Run out of firewood," he says, "forgot to restack our pile at the backdoor from down the back."

"Would you like me to help you bring some down?" I offer, "I do it all the time at home."

"Well, if you don't mind?" he says.

"Let's go," I say and follow him out the back and down to a small shed where we start piling wood into the wheelbarrow.

"You and young Harry seem quite happy together," Robin says.

"Yeah," I reply, a feeling of unease settling in my stomach.

"That's not a very convincing yeah," he chuckles, "are you having second thoughts love?"

Am I?

I don't think I've even had proper first thoughts.

"I...I just don't know..." I begin, "I care very much for Harry, but I'm starting to wonder if he's more invested than I am in this."

"Does he know where you stand with regards to the two of you?" he asks.

"I'm pretty sure he does...yes," I reply, "I mean, it's not that I'm not invested, it's just a massive step for something that I don't think will last..."

"How do you know it won't?" Robin asks me.

"I'm much older, I bring so much baggage, I feel I don't bring anything..." I confess.

Robin regards me with a kind smile on his face.

"Judging by Harry's behaviour with you tonight, I'd say you bring a whole lot more than you realise, or give yourself credit for," he says.


"Can I tell you one thing?" he asks.

I nod, waiting for him to continue.

"In the end, you don't need to concern yourself with what anyone else in the world thinks, not even Anne. People think they know Harry, but they don't. They're essentially strangers and they like to think they know what or who is best for Harry but at the end of the day, only Harry knows what's best for Harry, and to be honest, I think that's you. We're merely here to love and support him. He carries just as much baggage as you but in a different way. I realise this is a big step for you, but if you look deep down inside, you'll know. And no one will need to tell you or convince you. You'll know in yourself love."

They're all a bunch of deep thinkers in this family.

I sigh out loud, taking in everything Robin's just said as we move outside the shed and start to walk back to the house, Robin pushing the wheelbarrow.

We stack the logs by the back door and keep a couple aside to take in with us.

"Just remember love," Robin says, his hand on the door, "if you take that leap of faith like I did, he'll be there to catch you, I guarantee it," he opens the door and we walk in, placing the logs by the fire, Robin throwing one on and stoking it.

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