A Note of Thanks...

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So if you're here, that means you decided to stick with a story idea that I thought no one would ever read! I honestly thought people would find it too ridiculous to entertain the idea of Harry meeting an older woman, let alone one with children. But you all have embraced these characters more than I ever thought possible, and for that, I thank you.
It means so much that you take the time to read, vote and comment and I can't even begin to tell you how excited and thankful I am for each and every comment and for every star you tap on.
Along with so many other wonderful Harry stories, you chose to put mine in your library alongside those and give it some of your time.
Again, I thank you so much for doing so.

So what's next for Beth and Harry?
There is indeed another book in this series that will continue their story and I hope you continue it alongside them.
But as they say...the path to true love never runs smooth...

Thank you so much again for reading, your support and your friendship.
And as Harry would say,

Never make eye contact with anyone while eating a banana.

Just kidding...

All the love,
S xo

Where Do Broken Hearts Go? | Unexpected Series Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now