Chapter Twenty Four

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"Thanks for absolutely NOTHING!" Yelled Connie as she stormed out of the examination room slamming the door behind her, leaving Jacob and the midwife gobsmacked.
She could be heard in the corridor shouting at someone to move out her way.
"I'm sorry... she's...well... this last two weeks...she's....she's struggled. I'm so sorry!" Stammered Jacob.
"Don't worry Mr Masters, it's fine, I understand. Here's an appointment, if there's no sign of baby in the next four days, she'll need to attend and we'll discuss inducing labour, but at the moment baby's happy where he is." Explained the midwife.
"I'll let Connie know, thank you for your time, and sorry...again." Said Jacob.
"Good luck Mr Masters....I think you'll need it!"

Jacob caught up with Connie outside, she was leaning against the car.
"Three days over my term date Jacob, I want him out!" Said Connie wiping away a tear.
She let out a long breath. "I'm tired...."
"I know, let's get you home, there's things we can try to move things along, and some of them you might find quite enjoyable to." Winked Jacob.
Working in a hospital Connie and Jacob knew all the old wives tales on how to bring on labour, some have actual science behind the theories and others were just myth, but it didn't matter they were going to try them all!

On the drive home Connie had spoken to Dawn about what was happening.
"Why don't you bring Grace round here, it'll give you two some space to try 'things'."
Said Dawn.
"Thank you, that would help, I think Grace could do with the distraction as well." Said Connie.
Once they got home they asked Grace if she'd like to stop with Emily tonight and she excitedly agreed.
"Ok, get your things together." After Grace ran upstairs he continued. "and we'll all walk round to Dawn and Mark's." Said Jacob.
"Walk!" Exclaimed Connie.
"You just said you wanted this baby out....walkings good for setting off labour. It's not far." Said Jacob.
"Grace don't bring to much stuff, it's only for one night and we're walking there!" Connie said.

They'd walked all the way there and all the way back... nothing. Connie had drank a whole carton of fresh pineapple juice...nothing, all she needed was the toilet.
Now Jacob was in the kitchen cooking her his famous curry but extra hot.
"How you feeling?" asked Jacob.
"Fat! Jacob, this is ridiculous, four more day's. It's not just the fact that I'm so uncomfortable. I'm taking it all out on you and its not fair. I hear what I'm saying and I just can't stop myself. I feel terrible, oh god and that poor midwife... I can't believe I did that!"
"The midwife was fine and don't worry about me, I can take it. Here eat this." Said Jacob passing Connie a bowl of curry.

"It's 10pm, I'm going to bed, we've tried everything, guess I'll have to wait it out. Sorry in advance." Connie gave Jacob a rye smile.
"Well we haven't tried absolutely everything... there's one thing we could do. And I've got a good feeling about this." Said Jacob eagerly.
"You would do, it's what got us into this mess in the first place!" Laughed Connie.
"If you don't want to try that's fine..."
"I didn't say that!...will you take me to bed Jacob?" Asked Connie.
"Hell yes!!"

"Nothing..." mumbled Connie. "So much for your 'good feeling'!"
"Sorry sweet cheeks....I know it wasn't the result you were after... let's get some sleep, see how things are in the morning."

Jacob had managed to fall asleep quite quickly but it didn't last long.
"You ok beautiful?" He asked a bit groggy.
"My backs really hurting, I can't sleep."
Jacob sat up and put the light on. "Are you having any other pains?" He asked, now fully awake.
"No! Don't you think I would of mentioned it if I was!!"
"Why not try a warm bath, see if that eases it?" Suggested Jacob. Connie nodded sadly.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap. A bath would be great thanks."
Jacob helped her into the tub and rubbed her back. They sat there for a while like that till the water started turning cool.
"Do you want more hot water or to get out?" He asked.
"More hot water please, it feels good."
Jacob turned on the hot tap, mixing the water round with his hand.
"Yep?" He said, not really paying attention. When she didn't answer he looked up to see her face contorted in pain.
Connie sat there holding her side groaning.
"Babe?....Come on let's get you out!"
" I'm fine just here.... it's eased off." Said Connie.
Jacob was starting to panic. "Was that a contraction?.. Are you having contractions? Con?"
"Yes, I'm pretty sure." She said calmly.
Jacob jumped up. "If it's contractions we need to get ready, we need to go.... oh my god... come on we need to go! I need to ring the midwife!" Jacob was pacing the bathroom as Connie watched smiling.
"Jacob, JACOB!"
"What, are you having another already?!"
"No!...I need you to calm down! You freaking out isn't helping. Although... it is quite funny." She smiled. "I'm happy just relax here for a while." Said Connie.
"Ok, what do I do then?" Asked Jacob puzzled.
"Just keep rubbing my back, it helps."

It was another 15 minutes before Connie felt another contraction, it was painful but bearable and she easily breathed through it. She felt content to sit and wait it out. They timed the contractions and it was pretty slow going. When the bath water got cold again Connie agreed that maybe it was time to get out. Jacob helped her out taking most of her with m weight.
"Thanks muscles!" She said.
"No problem sweet cheeks."
They'd got her dry and into one of Jacob's large shirts, they were stood in the bathroom holding each other when her waters broke. It was shortly followed by another wave of contractions much stronger than the last. Connie groaned through it, taking deep breaths.
"I thinks it time go to Connie." Said Jacob gently.
"What would you say if I said I didn't want to go to maternity?" Connie ventured.
"Your not serious?!"
"I think I am... I don't want to go... I'm feeling calm... comfortable and more relaxed than I have in weeks. I don't need anybody else interfering, all I need is you doing what your doing! I'm doctor and your a nurse for God sake! This is what we do!" Explained Connie.
"If it's what you really want...can you just agree to one thing...please?" Connie looked at him waiting for his terms.
"Let me ring Zoe... she doesn't have to be in here... she can wait downstairs...just to put my mind at rest...please?"
"Ok...ring her, but tell her not to rush!"
Jacob led Connie into the bedroom and got her comfy before he took out his phone to ring Zoe.
Jacob updated her on the plan and even though she thought it was crazy, Zoe supported them 100%. She would call at the hospital for supplies and then wait in the living room till called.

Connie focused on taking deep breaths in and out as the pain got worse. Jacob was mesmerized by her and how naturally things were moving along. She had taken to wondering around the bedroom until the contractions starting to blend into each other.
That's when Jacob got her onto the bed to examine her, she was at about 8 centimetres dilated.

It wouldn't be long now.

"I feel like pushing Jacob, I want to push! Arrr!!" Screamed Connie.
"Go with your instincts beautiful. They've done you right so far." Said Jacob letting her squeeze his hand as she rode another wave of pain.
"I'm so tired now Jacob... so tired..."
"Connie I can see the head, your nearly there, your amazing. Another big push and his head will be out!" Encouraged Jacob.
Connie cried out louder than ever!

Six and a half hours after the first contraction a very healthy and vocal baby Masters was born.

Connie was resting in bed holding there son and jacob sat next to them with his finger clutched in baby's hand.
"I love you Connie, you did a brilliant job, I love you both." Said Jacob with happy tears in his eyes.
"I love you both too." Said Connie.
Grace nervously entered the room and they looked up at her smiling.
"Hey princess, come in, come and say hello to your baby brother." Whispered Jacob.
Grace climbed on the bed at the other side of her mum for a closer look.
"He's amazing!" Said Grace. "What's his name?"

James William Masters
Born 19th July 7.26am

The End

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