Chapter Nine

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Jacob grabbed hold of Connie's face and kissed her with all the love and passion he could muster and she returned it whole heartedly. Moving one hand down to her waist, he gently pulled her closer and encouraged her to straddle his lap which she did eagerly.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, Connie deepened the kiss before she eased away to look into his eyes.
"Is that a yes then?" Connie needed confirmation that he did indeed want to move in.
"Its a definitely!" Smiled Jacob. "As long as you sure. These no rush!"
"I know... I'm very sure." Connie gave him another quick kiss before she climbed of his lap. "Right...I have patients to treat...I'll see you at... home later."
"Yes you will. Love you beautiful." And he was gone through the door.

That evening when Connie returned home from work she was greeted by the lovely smell of fresh baking and the sound of Grace's laughter coming from the kitchen.
She'd never ever forget the sight that greated her. Grace was doubled over laughing and holding her sides with happy tears running down her face. Connie looked over to where Jacob was stood, her eyes opened wide as she took in his appearance. Her smile started small but steadily grew wider and wider.
Jacob pointed at her. "Do NOT laugh! Connie! I said DON'T LAUGH!!"
It was impossible for her not to, Connie joined Grace in her fit of giggles.
Jacob was stood there, arms held out wide, covered from head to toe in flour.
"Well thanks for nothing you two!... You do realize it's gunna be why to easy for me to get my own back don't you?!"
Connie's hysteria died down a little, she slowly turned to look back at Jacob, seeing the serious expression on his face stopped her altogether. It dawned on her what he intended to do. Calmly at first, she tried to get Grace's attention. "Grace...Grace...GRACE!!!"
"I think it would be a good idea to stop laughing sweetie."
"Why, it's too funny!" She giggled.
All the time Jacob edged closer and closer.
Connie held up her hands in surrender. "I'm not laughing Jacob... I stopped...Jacob?...JACOB! No don't you dare!... get Grace! She's still laughing!!" Connie pleaded.
And then he pounced!
He grabbed Connie round the waist, pulling her flush against him, he kissed her face all over, making sure as much of the flour transferred onto Connie as possible.
Connie squealed and started laughing again.
The pair calmed down when they realized Grace had stopped laughing and turned to look at her.
She was stood there looking more serious then Connie had ever seen her.
"Jacob?... your not going to get me are you?" She asked, her bottom lip pouting out.
Both Connie and Jacob looked at each other, shrugged and set off running after Grace.
Grace laughed as she took off running into the garden.

Just a small bit of fluff to finish the day off. The next chapter will be shedding light on how Jacob got in that state.
Hope your enjoying the story so far.
Thanks for reading,
Night all
C.J x

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