Chapter Twenty One

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It's four weeks after the wedding and Connie had thrown herself into work, she felt she had let thing slide since finding out she was pregnant. She was sporting a very obvious baby bump now but even so she was full of energy, even pulling double shifts to Jacob's dismay.
She was due for her 20 weeks scan in 15 minutes but was still busy in resus. She looked up from her patients charts to see Jacob and Grace stood outside the doors. She smiled at them, holding up a finger meaning she would be one minute.
The pair watched on as she called Zoe over, showing her the paperwork and leaving instructions before setting off towards them.
"Come on mum we don't want to be late!" Commanded Grace.
"Bossy!" Said Connie as she gave her daughter a hug.
"It's not my fault!"
"Oh? And who's fault would it be?" Queried Connie.
In her best innocent voice she could do, Grace answered. "Well I get it from you...sooo..."
"Okay, okay... less cheek missy. Let's go!" Said Jacob.
At their appointment today they were going to find out the baby's sex and had agreed to let Grace join them.

Connie was laid on the examination table as the nurse scanned her bump.
"Wow!" Said Grace walking round the bed to get a closer look at the screen. "It looks like a real baby!" Connie and Jacob smiled at each other as they listened to Grace.
"Can we hear the heartbeat?" Asked Jacob.
"Of course." The nurse pressed a button and the room was filled with the very distinctive thumping sound of their baby's heartbeat. A tear rolled down Connie's cheek as they listened till the nurse spoke up.
"Everything looks perfect, everything's where it's supposed to be. You have a very healthy looking baby in there... now big question.... do you want to know the sex?"
"YES!!" Said Grace. Making the three adults laugh. The nurse looked to Connie and Jacob for confirmation.
Connie and Jacob looked at each other.
"Yes please." Said Connie squeezing Jacob's hand.
"Well baby's laying in the perfect place...I've got a good view.... so... here we are.... ok.... your having a boy!" Said the nurse smiling.

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