Chapter Seventeen

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Connie sat on her bed staring at the wedding dress hanging from the wardrobe door. Her hair and makeup had been done slightly different to how she normally had it. The makeup was lighter and natural looking, her hair down swept to the side in ringlets. With a sigh she got up and ran her hand over the lacy material of her dress.
Connie looked up to see Grace enter the room.
"Wow Grace you look like a proper princess." She was in her bridesmaid dress with her hair done similar to Connie's.
"Thanks mum....are you ok? You looked kinda sad just now."
"I'm not sad sweetheart, I'm just a little nervous that's all, this is a big thing for me." Explained Connie.
"But why? You do love Jacob don't you?" Queried Grace.
"Of course I do, with all my heart. I really don't know what I did to deserve him in my life, or you for that matter." Connie knelt down in front of grace to give her a hug before she continued.
"The last time I got married it didn't work out so well and I don't want to mess all this up, can you understand that." She asked Grace.
"I think I do... but I think last time it went wrong because you were supposed to be marrying Jacob!" Said Grace shocking Connie.
"I think your completely right sweetie, when did you get so grown up?" Said Connie smiling at her. "Now wait here, let me get dressed or we'll be late!" Connie picked up her dress and made her way into the bathroom.
When she reappeared she was wearing her dress but holding it up across her chest.
"Do you think you could help me with the zip sweetheart?" She asked Grace.
Grace eagerly climbed up on the bed so she could reach properly. After Grace had got the zip all the way to the top Connie stepped away to look in the mirror.
"You look amazing!" Said Grace in complete awe of her mother. "Thank you Gracie."
The dress hugged Connie's figure to just passed her hips. She ran a hand over the slight swell of her 16 week baby belly. It wasn't obvious and anyone that didn't now her probably wouldn't even notice.
Grace reached forward and gently placed her hand next to Connie's.
"Is baby moving yet?"
"Yes but there's nothing to feel on the outside yet."
"What do you mean." Asked Grace.
"Well the baby's still to small, right now it's about 16cm long. I can feel it moving though, it feels a tiny bit strange, it's like a really small butterfly fluttering about.
"That's so cool!" Exclaimed Grace.
"CONNIE!" Dawn shouted from downstairs. "Are you ready or do you need a hand?"
"On our way!"

Jacob was pacing backwards and forwards out side the registry office. He was stood with Pete, Mark and Adam all wearing matching dark grey suits and white roses in their button holes.
"Mate?! Please stop.... your wearing your shoes out." Said Mark holding on to his shoulders. "She'll be here!"
Adam spoke up. "Maybe she's seen sense and done a runner." He teased which earned his a jab on the shoulder from pete. "Stop winding him up!"
They were interrupted by Mark's phone ringing.
"Hello.......yep.....ok.....I'll tell you too." Mark said hanging up.
"Their two minutes away!"
Jacob let out a nervous breath.

The car pulled up, Dawn, Emily and Grace were the first out followed by Charlie who helped Connie climb out."
"Wow." Said Jacob.
"She looks stunning mate!" Said Adam slapping him on the back.
When Grace saw Jacob she set of running and jumped into his arms.
"Hey princess."
"Hey Jacob, dunt mum look pretty?"
"She looks gorgeous!" All the time never breaking eye contact with Connie as she walked arm in arm with Charlie up the steps.
Jacob put Grace back down as Connie approached.
"Hey you." Said Connie coyly.
"You look....your....Wow." Jacob stuttered.
"I'll take your lack of words as a compliment." Smiled Connie.
It was then they were called inside.

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