Chapter Twenty Three

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Jacob stood in the doorway of Connie's office just watching her work, she was signing and pushing paperwork around. One hand would move to rub her temple and then to her rounded belly while the other continued to write. She had her shoes off under the table resting her feet because even though her due date was only two weeks away, she refused to wear anything but her signature heals.
"How long are you going to stand there for?" Asked Connie not stopping what she was doing. She didn't even look up.
"How did you know I was here?"
It was then Connie looked at him with mischief written all over her face.
"I could feel your disapproving eyes boaring into me." She said smiling.
"I don't know why you do it to yourself, you should be on maternity leave, resting at home in comfy clothes and shoes. But instead your here, working harder than ever." Said Jacob pleading his case.
"The more I get done now, the more time I can take after...aarr...this one's born!" Connie winced in pain.
Jacob rushed into the room. "You ok?" Concern in his voice.
"I'm fine, stop fussing! Your sons took a liking to kicking my ribs. It feels like he try to fight his way out!"
Jacob rested his hand on her belly and was immediately kicked causing him to chuckled. He looked Connie in the eye and asked. "How come when he's being naughty he's mine?"
"Because this is all your fault!" She answered seriously.
"I can see me getting a tun of abuse in the delivery room when the time comes." Said Jacob. Connie grinned at him before she lent forward and placed a kiss on his lips.
"Oh yes!! Like you won't believe!....just make sure you remember that I love you no matter what I call you! what did you want? Or are you just shirking as usual?" Said Connie feeling playfully.
"R.T.C on its way. Nothing to serious but your needed in resus, sorry."
Connie scowled. "Help me with my shoes!"

It was the end of their shift when Jacob found Connie in her office. Her shoes were off again but this time in the middle of the floor, it had looked like she'd walked in and just kicked them off straight away.
Connie stood bracing her hands on the edge of her desk.
"You ok beautiful?"
Connie looked up, defeat written all over her face.
"Take me home."
"As in....?" Jacob asked for clarification.
"As in, take me home. I'm done. You win! I've spoken to Zoe, she starts as relief Clinical Lead tomorrow." Connie growled, and then continued. "Please...Take me home." She sobbed with absolute exhaustion.
"Come on sweet cheeks." Said Jacob gently.
He helped her put on her trainers and coat and Jacob carried her bag and heals as he led her outside to the car.

Connie laid in bed, she'd gone up for a early night but couldn't sleep, she listened to Grace and Jacob laughing at the tv downstairs.
Her back and feet ached and the baby was restless as well.
Just then the bedroom door opened just enough for Grace to put her head round.
"You asleep mum?" She whispered.
"Come in Grace, I'm awake... everything ok...did you watch your film?"
Grace came in and climbed on the bed beside her mum, cuddling into her side.
"The film was funny, I just wanted to say goodnight."
Connie gave Grace a squeeze, "sweet dreams...I'll see you in the morning."
"Night mum."
Jacob passed Grace in the hall. "Night princess."
"Night Jacob."

Connie looked up to see Jacob getting ready for bed.
"I thought you'd be asleep by now."
"I've got no chance with your son beating up my insides!" Connie grumbled.
Jacob smiled at her as he climbed into bed and tried to put his arm round her, rubbing her belly trying to sooth their baby.
"Not be long now, Con. I love you."
"Two weeks Jacob, two weeks! Let me tell you, two weeks feels like a lifetime when your waddling around with all this baby weight and a sore back." Connie said feeling prickly.
"I love your waddle sweet cheeks."
"WRONG ANSWER!" Growled Connie slapping his arm. "Your supposed to say I don't waddle!"
"You don't waddle." Repeated Jacob but he knew it was to late, he was in trouble. So he tried again. "Connie Masters! I've never seen you look more beautiful, yes you look tired and your .... maybe a little bit grumpy, but I want you to know I'm more in love with you now in this moment than I've ever been!"
Connie's scowl disappeared from from her face as she smiled up at him.
"Very smooth Mr Masters! I love you too."

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