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Storm Clan: Lives on hill-like plains, their dens are abandoned badger dens. They hunt field mice and rabbits that travel through the grass. Their fighting style is precise agility going straight for the eyes, they use this style because of them hunting in wide open areas with lots of space to run after prey. The current leader is Redstar, a red and white tom, with soft hazel eyes, he is very smart when making choices and orders for his clan.

Med Cat: Riverpool (she-cat)

Leader: Redstar (tom) (brother to Robinfur)

Deputy: Robinfur (tom) (brother to Redstar)


-Duskfall (Mother of Shimmerkit, Mistkit, Poolkit, and Whitekit)

-Wightlight (Mother of Thrushkit, Skullkit, and Eaglekit)

-Silvergaze (Mother of Seakit and Blazekit)


-Echopaw (she-cat)

-Breezepaw (she-cat)

-Mousepaw (tom)

-Thistlepaw (tom)

-Mosspaw (she-cat)


-Deerfeather (she-cat)- Apprentice: Mosspaw

-Snowshine (she-cat)- Apprentice: Echopaw

-Raventail (tom)- Apprentice: Mousepaw

-Sunclaw (tom) Apprentice: Thistlepaw

-Applepool (she-cat)- Apprentice: Breezepaw


-Bramblespike (tom)

-Scarletspark (she-cat)

-Spiritwave (she-cat)

Snow Clan: Lives in forest with tall pine trees so they get the most snow in Leaf-bare, similar to Thunder Clan but less oak trees to shelter the sky. They hunt squirrels, voles, and robins. Their fighting style is trickery and attacking from the trees, they learned attacking from trees because of chasing prey up trees. Trickery from showing their bellies or looking fearful but, then they go straight for the throat. The current leader is Foreststar a large brown-tan tabby.

Med Cat: Oatpelt (tom)

Leader: Foreststar (tom)

Deputy: Clearsong (she-cat)


-Firewing (Mother of Loudkit, Rainkit, and Bloodkit) (sister to Fernear)


-Hollypaw (she-cat)

-Smokepaw (tom)

-Sunpaw (she-cat)

-Duskpaw (tom)

-Dawnpaw (tom)

-Nightpaw (she-cat)


-Grassflight (tom)-Apprentice: Smokepaw

-Cloudspirit (she-cat)-Apprentice: Sunpaw

-Fernear (tom)-Apprentice: Hollypaw (brother to Firewing)

-Heatherheart (she-cat)-Apprentice: Nightpaw

-Thornnight (tom)- Apprentice: Duskpaw

-Iceheart (she-cat)-Apprentice: Dawnpaw


-Quietcry (she-cat) (dead but visits the main characters dreams from Moon Clan)

-Lionstorm (tom) (father of Firewing)

-Longpelt (tom)

-Frostleaf (she-cat) (mother of Firewing)

-Blackleap (tom) (father of Iceheart)

-Hazelwing (she-cat) (mother of Iceheart)

Cloud Clan: Close to mountains with many rocky areas, usually they go up on the high rocks and the mountain to capture eagles, hawks, and other birds. They are very skilled in climbing and leaping from rock to rock, using jumping as a tactic leaping on enemies backs. The current leader is Foxstar a normal tom yet has a unique fox like pelt.

Med Cat: Wildfang

Leader: Foxstar (tom)

Deputy: Frogfur (tom) (son of Foxstar)


-Morningflower (Mother of Amberkit)

-Rainyfur (Mother of Patchkit and Lilackit)

-Skycloud (expecting kits)


-Birchpaw (she-cat) RIP

-Daisypaw (she-cat)

-Marigoldpaw (she-cat) 

-Lynxpaw (tom)

-Jadepaw (she-cat)

-Foxpaw (she-cat)


-Moonclaw (tom)-Apprentice: Lynxpaw

-Spottedrain (she-cat)-Apprentice: Foxpaw

-Whitetail (she-cat) (sister of Sharptail)-Apprentice: Marigoldpaw

-Sharptail (tom) (brother of Whitetail)-Apprentice: Daisypaw

-Birdrunner (she-cat) (Mother of Frogfur)-Apprentice: Jadepaw


-Leopardfall (she-cat)

-Crowfang (tom)

-Stoneclaw (tom)

FernClan: Slightly similar to River Clan because of the rivers and streams that flow throughout their territory, they have many oaks and plants that grow around. They hunt like River Clan, taking fish as their prey. Their fighting style is fighting in groups overpowering enemies. The current leader is Honeystar, a golden she-cat with sharp blue eyes, she is very kind but very skilled in battle.

Medcat: Berrynose (tom)

Leader: Honeystar (she-cat)

Deputy: Rabbitfang (tom)


-Roserunner (Mother of Hawkkit, Darkkit, Skykit, and Orangekit)

-Maplefeather (Mother of Talonkit and Tigerkit)


-Stormpaw (tom)

-Blackpaw (tom)

-Shrewpaw (tom)

-Smallpaw (she-cat)


-Willowfur (she-cat) (related to Waterfrost and Owlfoot)-Apprentice: Shrewpaw

-Waterfrost (she-cat) (related to Willowfur and Owlfoot)-Apprentice: Stormpaw

-Owlfoot (tom) (related to Waterfrost and Willowfur)-Apprentice: Smallpaw

-Forestspots (tom)-Apprentice: Blackpaw


-Reedwater (tom)

-Troutgroul (tom)

-Vixenheart (she-cat)

-Ravencloud (tom)

-Sandwhisker (tom)

-Hailfang (she-cat)

-Clearfire (she-cat)

Hi, so this is very similar to normal warriors with you know gatherings and the warrior code so don't say I'm copying Erin Hunter. -Ryoko

Art by: Apofiss

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