Chapter 4

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Nightkit walked into the nursery and she felt everyone's eyes burn in to her pelt. She curled up next to her brothers and went to sleep welcoming the softness of rest. She appeared in the same snowy field as last time she dreamt, she looked around in the snow for her brothers and saw both of them resting next to each other this time. "Both of you are in my dream?" Nightkit mewed. "Ah! Where am I?!" Dawnkit mewed. "In a dream mousebrain," Duskkit retorted. "Don't be mean to him this is his first time! Also Dawnkit this is my dream and you and Duskkit are in it," Nightkit said with a hiss at Duskkit. Duskkit rolled his eyes and muttered an insult under his breath. "We should probably start looking for that ball of light we saw last time," Nightkit mewed softly. "I think I remember where it is. I think it was by a lonely oak tree," Duskkit mewed. Nightkit looked over and faintly in the distance she saw a oak tree standing and ever so close to it was the ball of light. "There it is I see the oak tree and the light!" Nightkit mewed in joy. Each kit dashed over to the ball of light. "What do we do now?" Dawnkit mewed. "We have to jump in to the light. Also we are gonna see Quietcry again!" Nightkit responded. "How do we see her she is in Moon Clan." Dawnkit meowed in confusion. "Well Blackleap once told me that our warrior ancestors can enter our dreams to help us or speak with us," she meowed. "Let's get going already! It's boring to hear you guys chat with nothing to do!" Duskkit mewed. "Ok ok let's get going," Nightkit meowed while her brothers followed her into the ball of light. They were in the same area except they seemed to be in the sky sitting on clouds and they saw Quietcry sitting waiting for them. Something was different this time they entered though, the kits looked over and saw a black cat with glowing blue eyes and every time he took a step fire seemed to light behind him. "Who is that Quietcry?" she meowed with an odd look on her face. "That my young one is Bloodfur, he was an evil warrior and tried to destroy the clans long ago. Yet he still deserves a place in Moon Clan because he fought for what he believed in," Quietcry mewed coolly. "Can we talk to him or will he turn us into crow-food?" Dawnkit meowed. "He doesn't talk much because he knows what he has done," Quietcry meowed. "I can take you Fox dung!" Duskkit hissed and Bloodfur ignored him yet he turned and left a burning hiss right at him. "Duskkit, leave him alone and don't use mean words like that! He has learned his lesson and he doesn't need to be insulted," Nightkit hissed at him. "I have watched over you kits and I have realized that you will be apprentices soon. Remember to train hard," Quietcry meowed in her soft starry voice. Quietcry bent down and licked Nightkit behind the ears her misty starry figure waving about. "What is Moon Clan like, Quietcry?" Duskkit meowed. "There is lots of prey and no fights between border lines. When a warrior dies and comes to Moon Clan we all become one clan no matter where we are from," she mewed wisely in response to his question. "Oh. I don't like to think about this but maybe when mama and dada go to Moon Clan they can see each other again," Dawnkit mewed still afraid of what his sibling would say, all they did was shrug and they continued to chat. While Duskkit and Dawnkit where in a middle of a conversation about prey and hunting stances Nightkit found herself looking over at Bloodfur and he was watching her. Bloodfur than saw he was caught and quickly got up and left. She contemplated this on her mind for a while and shrugged it off. Her ear twitched and she new it was time to awaken. "We must go now it's time to awaken," Nightkit meowed. "Aww ok, bye Quietcry," her brothers mewed and they all sprung into the light. As Nightkit passed threw she felt the faintness of  the ocean and catmint.

Art by: Apofiss

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