Chapter 18

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Nightpaw woke up tired from last night, she sat up and heard squeals of joy. Heather heart ran towards her and practically yelped in excitement. "What," Nightpaw meowed tilting her head to the side. "Firewing is going to have another litter of kits! And Cloudspirit is going to have kits," Heatherheart said bouncing around happily. "That's wonderful news, but can we go on the dawn patrol," Nightpaw meowed groggily. "Sure. They haven't left yet," Heatherheart led Nightpaw over to the cats, Smokepaw, Hollypaw, Rainpaw, Bloodpaw, Cloudspirit, and Grassflight. They remarked the borders and each apprentice hunted prey. They stopped to rest before they returned to the camp for the sun high patrol to go. Suddenly Hollypaw stood up and spotted a hawk flying around the cliff they were on. "I bet I can catch that," Hollypaw sneered. "You will f--," Nightpaw was interrupted by Hollypaw. "Shut up half-clan," Hollypaw hissed. The patrol was surprised at what she said. "Fine! Jump off a cliff for all I care," Nightpaw snarled. Hollypaw sprung towards the cliff and caught the hawk in her jaws but she then realized the jump was too high and she dropped down to the forest floor. Cloudspirit's eyes widened and she ran to the bottom of the cliff, Grassflight stopped her and warned her not to run because of the kits. Cloudspirit sat down and hissed reluctantly. Grassflight and the four apprentices with Heatherheart ran towards the body of Hollypaw. "Rainpaw get Oatpelt," Grassflight yowled. "But-," Rainpaw meowed but Oatpelt cut her off. "Now," he hissed. "Her legs are broken, and there is a lot of blood. What are we going to do," Nightpaw meowed worried that Hollypaw would die, she didn't like Hollypaw she still cared for every cat in the clan."She still is breathing," Cloudspirit said from where she was sitting. Nightpaw looked over and saw Hollypaw's chest rise and fall, beginning to wheeze. Oatpelt barreled in with Rainpaw and Loudpaw. "Pick her up," Oatpelt meowed. Bloodpaw supported Hollypaw on his shoulder back towards the camp. "Oatpelt there is a lot of blood she might not make it back," Loudpaw meowed sadly. "She will," Oatpelt snarled. "Calm down," Cloudspirit said pushing her nose into his shoulder calming him down. Suddenly Hollypaw stopped breathing because of blood loss. "No," Oatpelt yowled. Bloodpaw's pace quickened and they carried the dead apprentice into the clearing. "Foreststar," Grassflight yowled. Foreststar trotted quickly to the body of Hollypaw and soon the clan joined him. The clan sat there looking at the limp body of Hollypaw. "She could have become a great warrior," Fernear mumbled through Hollypaw's fur.

Art by: Feyrah

This one was a bit bad because I was rushed. -RyokoWolf

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