Chapter 3

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Nightkit suddenly felt her mothers tail on her back trying to wake her. She stood up and saw Duskkit playing with her brother, and strode over to them. "Duskkit may I talk to you?" Nightkit meowed seriously, this was odd because Duskkit always saw Nightkit being playful and not that serious. Dawnkit shrugged and went to go play with Firewings three kits while Nightkit and Duskkit chatted. "Duskkit, were you there in my dream? Or did I just see Quietcry myself," Nightkit mewed. "No, I remember being in your dream," Duskkit responded. "Wow, I wonder if we will see any of our warrior ancestors in our dreams about Moon Clan. We should ask grandfather, Blackleap about the dream." Nightkit meowed. "Lets go to the elders." Duskkit mewed. Nightkit and Duskkit strode to the elders chatting about new games and prey. They entered the elders den seeing Blackleap on his mossy nest. "Blackleap! We have a question for you." Nightkit meowed while Duskkit waited for them to finish their conversation. "And what is that question, Nightkit?" Blackleap meowed in response. "Duskkit and I were in the same dream and we saw Quietcry!" Nightkit mewed. "What did she say?" Blackleap meowed. "She had wise words for us and she said it wouldn't be the last time we saw her in our dreams." Nightkit responded to his question. "Well Moon Clan speaks to us it usually means they want to connect spiritually and guide us on our paths," Blackleap stretched luxuriously while speaking to them. "Maybe thats why Quietcry is speaking to us," Nightkit mewed. "Maybe. So I heard you kits are going to be apprentices three sun rises from now." Blackleap meowed. "Yea all three of us; Duskkit, Dawnkit, and me," Nightkit responded. Blackleap nodded to dismiss them and curled up to return to his nap. They bounced over to the other kits and they played until once again like last time Nightkit stopped playing and saw a mouse practically scurrying across the clearing and she bolted for it, nimbly leaping over rocks and logs until she pounced. She picked up the mouse and then realized she was no longer in the camp and she panicked. "Mama, brothers, anyone?!" Nightkit screamed. Nightkit then faintly heard meowing and she looked up and realized were she was; Cloud Clan territory. The cat that was meowing her head off because she missed the chance to pounce on an eagle was, Whitetail. Whitetail hissed furiously and she spotted Nightkit, she was about to call out to her but Nightkit could't hear her because she was running back into her own territory. Nightkit ran and ran until she landed in the middle of camp carrying her mouse. She walked overt to the fresh kill pile and turned around walking in to the nursery. "Where were you? We had a whole patrol looking for you! Do you know how scared we were you scared the whole clan too! We thought you were dead!" Ice heart snarled in pure fury. "Mama i'm sorry I saw a mouse and I chased it. Then I ended up in Cloud Clan by accident and almost got spotted by a warrior. I'm really really sorry I didn't know." Nightkit cowered. "You are going to bed early tonight I can't believe you! Also Foreststar would like to speak with you." Iceheart meowed. "Ok mama," Nightkits ears and tail drooped down as she spoke. She walked to Foreststars den fearing what would be her punishment. "Yes Foreststar?" Nightkit mewed. "I know what has happened and I have decided your punishment. For the next two sunrises you will bring mouse bile to the elders and help the apprentices with the elders ticks." Foreststar meowed in a calm cool voice while his brown-tan tabby fur lay flat. "Understood," she mewed.

Yay it's here got any ideas for next chapter leave a comment below. - Ryogo

Art by: Apofiss

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