Chapter 11

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She woke up from a nightmare were Bloodfur was killing her brothers with fiery claws. "No!" she yowled awakening Oatpelt. "What's wrong is the Clan being attacked," he meowed with a startled look on his face. "No, It was just a nightmare," she responded. "Well wake me up when its important," he hissed and curled up back in his mossy bedding. She snorted at him and decided to go for a walk, the night always had the best breezes. She walked out and sat down, the fading leaf-bare breeze ruffled her fur. Closing her eyes picturing herself training with her mentor, and hunting fat prey. She let out a purr of happiness and opened her eyes and looked at the warriors den. She saw one cat awake that was sitting at the entrance, Grassflight. He starred at her making eye contact while his tabby fur rustled in the wind.He got up and strode over to her. "What are you doing awake," Grassflight softly meowed. "I'm not tired," she mewed and looked down at her paws. Grassflight gave her a soft lick and purred nudging her back into the Medicine Cat's den, before she went though she saw Hollypaw in the Apprentices Den giving her bad looks. Is she jealous of me talking to her mentor? How odd. Nightpaw turned around and curled up in her nest, falling asleep. She appeared in a oak forest, and it seemed to be new-leaf. Green leaves fluttered around in the wind and Quietcry nudged her. "Is Bloodfur going to come to me again," Nightpaw mewed full of fear for the large black cat. "I don't know," Quietcry mewed. "But I would like you to meet a great warrior named, Birchtail, a great warrior that once protected Snow Clan." Nightpaw followed her through the forest and they stopped in front of a large white and black tabby cat. "Hello Nightpaw, Quietcry has told me of your injury, I have noticed that you still want to train too" Birchtail meowed. She simply nodded and arched her back getting ready to fight the large Star Clan warrior. He got into the same crouch and gave her the same intimidating look that she gave him. Nightpaw felt a little fearful of the large warrior, he did once defeat Bloodfur. "I remember, the elders used to tell me stories about you. You saved Robintail from Bloodfur, but you died with Bloodfur. I'm sorry," Nightpaw mewed grimly. "Don't worry I served my time with my Clan," Birchtail meowed. Suddenly Birchtail sprung forward and swiped down with his back leg tripping Nightpaw over. "Always be alert," Birchtail meowed with a hint of amusement in his voice. Quietcry was sitting in the sunlight, it hit her fur making it light up like silver fire. Nightpaw bounced back and got ready to fight, she then jumped up and over him diving to his under belly and clawed it. It took Birchtail by surprise which made him stumble over and fall to the ground. "Are you ok? I didn't hurt you did I," she meowed distressed that he fell over. "I'm fine. In Moon Clan we don't get hurt much. Anyways your moves are very skillful for a new apprentice," Birchtail said with a small mrrow of amusement. "Thank you, but I must return to my own world now," she meowed proud that she was praised by a Moon Clan warrior. "Very well. Goodbye," Birchtail said. Quiet cry said her goodbyes while she returned to reality. "She will be a fine, strong, warrior one day," Birchtail said sitting down next to Quietcry.

Art by: Maplespyder

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