Chapter 17

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Nightpaw walked out of the den after a long night. She decided to visit the nursery since she hadn't been over in awhile. Thornnight was curled up next to his mate Firewing, looking at their three beautiful kits. "Oh Nightpaw I have wonderful news! Foreststar held off on their apprentice ceremony but it's going to happen at sun down," she meowed with excitement and joy. "Oh! That's wonderful! Mind if i play with these future warriors," she meowed with amusement as Loudkit, Bloodkit, and Rainkit. "Of course," Thornnight meowed his golden eyes shimmering from excitement. "Wait. I have one more thing to tell you. Loudkit will be the medicine cat's apprentice," Firewing meowed. Nightpaw nodded not shocked because he spent most of the time helping Oatpelt with sorting herbs or placing poulitces. Loudkit stalked off to the medicine cat's den to help while, Rainkit and Bloodkit played. Nightpaw helped them while they play fighted and soon it was sun down. "All cats old enough to catch their on prey, meet beneath the high cliff," Foreststar yowled from the large cliff. As all of the cats gathered around each kit was throughly groomed by Firewing. "Rainkit and Bloodkit you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as Rainpaw and Bloodpaw. Since we do not have many warriors for you to be mentored by, your mentors will take multiple apprentices on. Rainpaw your mentor will be Cloudspirit, you will train with Sunpaw and Cloudspirit until you are a warrior. Bloodpaw your mentor will be Grassflight  you will train side by side with him and his apprentice until you are a warrior. I hope Cloudspirit and Grassflight will pass down all they know to you," Foreststar finished the ceremony and all of the cats began to cheer the new apprentices names. Nightpaw couldn't help feel a bit nostalgic from the ceremony even though she was apprenticed a moon ago. Foreststar flicked his tail for Oatpelt to come up on the cliff. "Cats of Snow Clan, as you know, I will not be around forever. So it's time I took an apprentice. I have chosen a cat who has shown cleverness and knowledge. Your next medicine cat will be Loudpaw," Oatpelt meowed when the cats calmed down. "Loudpaw, do you accept the post of apprentice to Oatpelt," Foreststar mewed.  "I do," Loudpaw meowed. "Then at the half-moon you must travel to Sky Pool to be accepted by Moon Clan before the other medicine cats," Oatpelt meowed formally. "The good wishes of all Snow Clan will go with you," Foreststar meowed and the clan started up again this time cheering three names. The sun settled just as the leader finished the ceremonies. Nightfall came quickly and the brightest stars in Silverpelt shown. The fireflies seemed to buzz and light the night even more as the cats began to feast and celebrate the day and night.

Art by: Maplespyder

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