Chapter 22

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Smokepaw nudged Nightpaw awake to go train, by the river. Nightpaw squinted as she saw the dawn light come through the brambles and ivy. She got up and walked out with him in to the clearing, seeing Rainpaw, Heatherheart and Dawnpaw. "Where is Cloudspirit," Smokepaw asked. "They made a nest for her in the nursery so she won't be training with us," Heatherheart responded. "Yea, and now I don't have a mentor," Rainpaw muttered. "You will be training with Nightpaw and I while she is nursing kits," Heatherheart meowed shaking her head that she would have to take on another apprentice. The morning sun was soon covered by deep grey clouds while they approached their training spot. A light rain fell on their fur when they reached the small training spot by the river. "Ok Dawnpaw and Nightpaw practice while Rainpaw and Smokepaw practice I will hunt," Heatherheart meowed, shaking her fur and went off to hunt nearby. Dawnpaw got into a battle stance and gave Nightpaw a fiery glare. She looked into her brother's burning green eyes and bristling tabby pelt. She was confused by his actions but then remembered why he was furious. He then pounced on her and Nightpaw managed to dodge his pounce, clawing at his ears but not enough to hurt him. He then jumped and bit down on her throat clawing her stomach. "Hey! That hu-," she was cut off mid sentence because he snarled in her face. She then kicked him off with her hind legs, still aching from the wounds. Was he mouse-brained enough to hurt his sister? Nightpaw didn't know but she wouldn't let him forget from the marks she will leave on him. Dawnpaw went for another blow but missed, he made up for it by turning around and pouncing on her. She yowled feeling too weak to fight while he dug his hind claws into her pelt, drawing blood. Heatherheart, Smokepaw, and Rainpaw came barreling in to the clearing to see what happened. Smokepaw immediately shoved Dawnpaw off of her and Heatherheart and Rainpaw helped drag him back to camp. Nightpaw felt the rain seep into her wounds and clean them only slightly. As Smokepaw set her down into a nest in the medicine cat den she felt a stabbing pain in her heart. Why would he hurt me? I pray to Moon Clan he gets a good punishment. She rested her eyes as the rain began to come down on the camp harder. Smokepaw placed his tail on her flank as Oatpelt and Loudpaw pressed herbs into her wounds. Oatpelt gave Nightpaw some daisy leaves to chew on while Loudpaw pressed poultices and wrapped cobwebs on her wounds. Iceheart was dragging her son over to the medicine cat den and threw him down. "How dare you! Hurting your sister like that," Iceheart hissed furiously in his face. "I'm sorry I didn-," Dawnpaw was cut off with another furious growl. Dawnpaw had dust in his fur from Iceheart dragging him over. "Don't sorry me! I'm going to go talk with Foreststar about your punishment," Iceheart hissed and stalked away with saddened sighs. Smokepaw swept his tail around Nightpaw in a protective motion, while staring at Dawnpaw. Dawnpaw's ears lay flat and he ignored the looks Smokepaw gave him. Nightpaw closed her eyes and visioned herself floating in the stars with her warrior ancestors, wondering why she hadn't seen Quietcry in a while. Nightpaw opened her eyes and saw a rabbit in front of her. She hadn't eaten in a while so she practically ripped into the rabbit, eating it quickly. After eating she looked up and saw Loudpaw standing in front of her. "Dawnpaw, really wounded you. He has the skills of a warrior but he mis-used it... i wonder why," Loudpaw meowed. "I know why," Nightpaw meowed cautiously. Loudpaw tilted his head and Nightpaw explained what happened at the gathering, he nodded and got up licking his paws and putting poppy seeds on them. "Eat this, it wi-," Loudpaw was interrupted by Oatpelt. "Give her Chamomile, Loudpaw it will help with poppy seeds," Oatpelt meowed. Loudpaw nodded and gave the herbs to Nightpaw, she chewed them and swallow them quickly. The medicine cat and his apprentice walked away leaving her to slowly drift off in to sleep.

                                                                             ~The End~

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