Chapter 1

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From the moment Nightkit opened her eyes she was ready for an adventure. She had two brothers Duskkit and Dawnkit, they all were a part of Snow Clan. Nightkit pawed at her brother Duskkit, trying immensely to wake him, then finally he jumped up and scared her "I'm sleeping! Go play with Dawnkit  or ask mama if you can go to the elders!" Nightkit muttered An insult but he couldn't hear it because he was already resting up against his mother, Iceheart. Nightkit watched them, her mothers light grey fur swaying against the wind while Duskkit's white and grey fur was laying flat. Nightkit snarled in annoyance and went to go play with her brother, Dawnkit. Dawnkit had brown tabby fur and it was getting quite fluffed up while he was playing with Firewing's kits. Nightkit's black fur ruffled in the wind while she trotted outside in to the snow. Firewing watched them from inside the nursery while each of them played happily while it began to snow. Each of Firewing's ginger furred kits stood out the most in the snow. Suddenly Nightkit stopped playing and saw a warrior named Fernear walk out, she watched him closely as he went out on a hunting patrol. She then looked to her right and saw an elder she-cat named, Quietcry. Quietcry was a grumpy elder and didn't like when the kits came to hear stories, especially Nightkit. The reason she didn't like Nightkit was because she was half-clan. She came stomping out of the elders den, furious because her prey wasn't on time from the apprentices. Lionpaw a golden furred she-cat a previous kit from Firewing got up and grunted getting a plump squirrel from the fresh-kill pile. All of a sudden Nightkit looked up and yowled "Eagle!" She was too late the eagle came crashing down upon Quietcry, deeply wounding her. Cloudspirit a warrior jumped upon the eagle and Heatherheart came to help along with Clearsong the deputy. All three she-cats fought and scared the eagle away giving it large scratch marks. Quiet cry lay motionless heaving loudly with large gash marks on her torso and throat, blood splattering on the snow. Nightkit and the whole clan starred in shock, Nightkit had never seen a cat in this much pain. Even though Nightkit disliked Quietcry she cried because of the elders death. Iceheart, Duskkit, and Dawnkit came to comfort her. "Its all my fault!" she wailed in sadness. Ice heart licked her behind the ears trying her best to comfort the wailing kit. The medicine cat, Oatpelt was tending to the elder trying to heal her but his herbs couldn't help at all. Every cats eyes saddened and they sat in vigil for Quietcry. Nightkit stepped forward tears still flowing from her eyes, the sky began to darken and instead of snow rain spladdered down on the cats. Nightkit looked up at the sky tears still flowing from her eyes the crimson blood still flowing from Quietcry's body.

Hi friends, so yes my friend and I (who is a fan of warriors) made a few of these warrior names (others from generators) and one of them is Oatpelt no i didn't miss spell anything with his name. It literally is Oatpelt.- Ryoko

Art by: Apofiss

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