Chapter 12

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Nightpaw awoke and saw slivers of sunlight came through the branches making her black fur glow and her blue eyes look like an ocean. She got up and she realized she was able to walk on her sprained paw. She got ready to walk out of the den but before she did she turned to look at Oatpelt, his cream and brown fur lay flat and he shifted in his mossy nest. She blinked and looked down at her sprained paw wrapped in cobwebs. She walked slowly out of the camp, the dawn sky glowing faint blue. She looked up at the sky and felt that Moon Clan was watching over her. New-leaf had settled in and the last of the frost was gone and flowers began to blossom. She finally stopped walking and rested on a mossy rock looking at the sunlight that was glowing brightly. She closed her blue eyes and began to drift away into sleep. She landed in the same spot when Bloodfur tried to convince her to train with him. "Not again," she muttered in annoyance. Bloodfur than appeared infront of her with flaming ashes behind him. "Since you didn't except my offer, I will take action. The first kit you have will fall under my power and it will cause chaos for the clans," Bloodfur said with a mrrow of evil amusement. "You won't. If I have kits, I will make sure to warn each of them of your deadly plans," she snarled at him. "That will do nothing young one," he cackled and hissed at her. "I won't let you," she caterwauled and pounced on him claws sheathed. He yowled in pain and fire seeped from the claw mark. "I thought, Moon Clan cats couldn't get hurt," she meowed, surprised. "I don't have the protection of Moon Clan, they just let me stay here," he hissed pain. "That means you can die in Moon Clan, but how," she questioned pinning him down. "Well, I fade from Moon Clan and I disintegrate not being able to communicate with any living cat," he hissed throwing her off of him. "Then I will kill you," she snarled and pounced on him. "Never," he said with an ear piercing yowl. She jumped and went to attempt a very advanced move on him. She found a smoldering blackened tree and jumped on it, burning her paw pads. Once she jumped off the side of the tree she pounced on him slitting his throat with her claws. Bloodfur convulsed on the ground fire coming out of his wounds and fading into ashes on the ground. "I need to find Quietcry," she meowed staring at his fading body. Birchtail walked out of the bushes and pressed his nose into her fur, like he was seeing an old friend. "I'm sorry, you were forced to kill," he meowed sorrowfully. "What he said, fading. Is it true," Nightpaw mewed. "It is," Birchtail mewed softly. "He won't hurt anyone's dreams anymore," she mewed and began to cry, tears streaming down her black face.

Omg so much friggin homework!! Thank god I have no homework this weekend so more chapters :D -Ryoko

Art by: Maplespyder

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