Chapter 14

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Nightpaw wasn't very wounded, just a scratch on her shoulder from Raventail. She was lucky enough to go to the gathering that night. Foreststar waited for each cat he had chosen to come under the high cliff. He took Oatpelt, Clearsong, Hollypaw, Nightpaw, Duskpaw, Dawnpaw, Heatherheart, Grassflight, Longpelt, and Hazelwing. Foreststar jumped down from the high cliff when everyone was in a group and flicked his tail for the cats to follow. Each cat ran through the forest blazing as fast as they could. They had to wander into the Fern Clan territory to the Great Oak, they jumped over their rivers and strode into the clearing with the Great Oak in the middle of it. Fern Clan and Cloud Clan were already there but Storm Clan seemed to be late. Fire flies fluttered about and landed on other cats. All of the cats began to sit down and chat while they waited for the Storm Clan. A very small apprentice from Cloud Clan approached Nightpaw and sat down next to her. "Hello there," he meowed cheerfully. "Hello," she greeted him with a soft soothing mew. "I am Lynxpaw," he meowed energetically. Nightpaw acknowledged his lynx patterns and his stubby tail. No wonder he is called Lynxpaw. "I am Nightpaw. How are things in your clan," she mewed to him. "Great! Many hawks and eagles this New-leaf," he meowed in full on joy. She let out a mrrow of laughter and Storm Clan finally arrived. Each clan leader gathered on large branches of the great oak. All four clans looked up at the leaders and waited for them to give news. Honeystar from Fern Clan decided to speak first. "Since New-leaf came early this year our herbs supply is over flowing. Other than that no important news to report," Honeystar meowed and looked over to Foxstar so he could speak. "The rogue that settled into the elders den two moons ago went out into the forest and a snake bit him, he is with Moon Clan now," Cloud Clan sent short meows of grief in the clearing. When it fell silent Foxstar looked towards Foreststar so he could speak. "We have gotten three new apprentices this moon; Nightpaw, Dawnpaw, and Duskpaw. Also I would like to report about the attack from Storm Clan," meows of surprise came from the other two clans about the battle. "Nothing new to report but that territory is rightfully ours," Redstar snapped his fur standing on end. "Over my dead body," Longpelt snarled at Redstar who wasn't flinching at his remark. "That territory was rightfully ours and is not yours to take," Foreststar spoke calmly yet he had fire in his eyes that could pierce bone. "Fine, but watch your back, Foreststar this won't be our last quarrel," Redstar hissed. "How odd of him to give up territory so easily," she whispered to Lynxpaw. He nodded in return to her comment and waved his tail as if to say goodbye and followed his clan out. Nightpaw got up and followed her clan out the fire flies beginning to fade in the distance.

Art by: Maplespyder

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