Chapter 8

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By the time they finished their training session it was nightfall so, Nightpaw and Heatherheart were forced to go back to camp. The moon made each of their pelts shine like silverpelt. "I wonder why all the foxes are coming here, it's leaf-bare it's quite odd," Nightpaw meowed. "I know I was there talking with Foreststar about the foxes," Heatherheart mewed. Maybe, Cloudspirit was just nervous about the recent fox attacks and I was wrong. Nightpaw dropped the plump vole she caught on the way back, and walked to the apprentice's den. She curled up and slowly fell asleep. When she entered her own dreams, she wasn't near any cat. She was in ice cold water and darkness surrounded her. She panicked, her small body squirming in darkness not being able to breath. She knew how to swim a little bit. She swam up kicking her legs wildly and she reached the surface, trying to make a sound. She managed to get to the surface but the water was frozen over with ice. She starred into the ice and saw a flower peddle. The peddle was small and seemed weak and then wind blew it away. She fell into the water, too drained of energy to struggle any longer. She awoke afraid and scared. She felt too upset to sleep anymore so she walked out of the camp for a short hunting session. She decided to go up against the border between her clan and Cloud Clan. She stalked towards it and caught a few squirrels burying them for later. She then went close to the two-legs wooden dens and see if any prey hadn't been scared off yet. Seeing a vole run past her she tried pouncing and missed but she wan't going to give up yet. It bolted into a two-leg's garden and she hoped over the fence and instead of pouncing on the vole she landed on top of a kittypet. The kitty pet let out a yowl of defiance and it rolled over scratching at the air blindly. "Keep your fur on you kittypet trash," she snarled. The kittypet was a small tom that looked up at her as she spoke to him. "Whats a kittypet," he meowed. "Just leave me alone," she snarled and jumped up and out of the two-leg garden. "Can't believe two-legs just lock up cats like that," she hissed and trotted off to collect her prey and return to the camp. She dropped her fresh kill with a thud and went go rest. As she was about to settle in to her mossy nest, she heard a rustling close to her and saw Duskpaw lift his head and look at her. "Where were you, I was having this nice dream about a fat mouse--" he was interrupted by Nightpaw. "I couldn't sleep so I went out to hunt," Nightpaw said and he responded with a shrug, curling back up to sleep. She curled up in her nest, welcoming the softness of the moss and the comfort of rest. Before she drifted into sleep she swore she saw Quietcry watching over her.

Hello fans, I have been dealing with a lot of stuff like; family, homework, school, friends, etc. remember I have a life too so don't worry I won't be leaving any time soon it may just become shorter...  (.﹒︣︿﹒︣.)

Art by: Finchwing

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