Chapter 7

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They walked back to the camp, unfortunately in silence because their mouths were full of prey. They started to run so Nightpaw could become faster. They walked into the camp and everyone was busy at work with helping elders and discussing problems in the clan. Nightpaw walked into the apprentices den to rest. She curled up in her nest and shut her eyes drifting off into sleep. This time Nightpaw was alone and not in the usual place with fields of snow. She was in a forest that was dark and ashes that were slightly still on fire floated up from the dark ground. "Quietcry?" she yowled. Bloodfur came out of the shadows leaving a trail of fire behind him. "Where is she?" she meowed to him. "She cannot visit you right know she is giving a message to Oatpelt. A cat can't be two places at once," he meowed.  "She wouldn't send you in her place though. She said you were evil, after all," she meowed in response and gave him a small unnoticeable glare. "I went myself because, she never chose another Moon Clan cat," he hissed clearly tired of her constant talking, and the evilness remark. "I will give you an offer, young one. Train with me in this forest and you will become stronger and more powerful. One day if you trained with me you could become leader of the clan," he showed a small fang that glinted with the blood of another cat. Before she could deny Quietcry barreled into the clearing and let out a battle cry. Nightpaw watched as Quietcry bit into his throat and scratched at his stomach. "Don't you lie to her with promises to have power," she snarled. "Tsk tsk, Quietcry you are such a fool. Nightpaw can get as much training from me than any mentor. Oh, and remember when I killed your father right in front of you. You were just a mewling kit at the time," Bloodfur snarled at her blood dripping from his throat and stomach. Oh no, he is trying to get into her mind with the past. Quietcry gave him an icy glare from her blue eyes, she shook her starry pelt and nudged Nightpaw away. Bloodfur was still grinning as they slipped away. The Moon Clan cat led her in to the snowy plains and they sat down, Nightpaw ready to listen to what the elder had to say. "Bloodfur sometimes target other cats with promises of power, yet he leads them down dark paths of ambition and chaos," she mewed. She nodded and then heard her mentor's voice calling her. "Goodbye, Quietcry," she mewed as she was awoken by her mentor. "Wake up! It's time to start your training and your brothers are already gone," Heatherheart hissed. "Sorry, I was just stuck in a dream," Nightpaw mewed. Heatherheart let out another hiss and lead her out in the direction of the large oak tree. They stopped quickly to hunt and they buried their prey. Nightpaw got in to a threatening stance and threatened her mentor with a hiss. "Begin with a back kick," Heatherheart mewed. Nightpaw judged her opponent's distance from herself carefully and lashed out with her back legs taking all weight on her front paws. Heatherheart was letting her hit her so she took the blow and tripped falling onto her side. Nightpaw than sprung on to her mentor and pinned her. "That was good but the opponent won't just let you hit them. You have to be quicker," Heatherheart meowed. Nightpaw nodded and got ready for the next fight. Nightpaw saw her chance a darted underneath her mentor's belly before she could make a blow. Nightpaw sprung onto her opponent's back but it was too late, Heatherheart turned around and took a blow to Nightpaw's head pinning her to the ground. She squirmed under her mentor's large paw. "I told you. You have to be quicker," she meowed. "Sorry... can you get off of me now," Nightpaw mewed.

Art by: Unknown

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