Chapter 2

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Nightkit was still depressed over Quietcry's death, her tail and ears dropping down. Dawnkit looked over at her frowning face and said ,"Mama can you tell us a story about dada?" Iceheart responded with kindness ,"Of course, my kits." Each kit sat together all eager to hear mama's story, even Nightkit looked excited. "Well when I was an apprentice my mentor wanted me to patrol the borders every sun down. I would patrol every sun down until I saw your father chasing a vole over our border. I told him to get off or else and he respected that and left. At the next gathering we started bonding, and we began to meet in secret at night. And we had you kits," Iceheart told the story greatly as if the kits heard for the first time. "Wow mama that sounded like a big adventure!" Duskkit said excitedly. "Yea I want a big adventure!" Dawnkit exclaimed excitedly. "Well what I did was very wrong, and was against the warrior code. By loving your father I betrayed the warrior code and Moon Clan must hate me now," Iceheart's ears than drooped in sadness. "Moon Clan doesn't hate you mama! They gave us to you," Nightkit mewed in reassurance. "That is true my young one maybe Moon Clan has hope for me." Iceheart mewed softly. "What was dada's name?" Dawnkit mewled. "Moonclaw, and I think it's time for you kits to go to sleep, you need your rest," Iceheart meowed. "Aww... ok," each kit mewed and they curled up with their mother. 

Nightkit appeared in open plains with lots of snow with an odd look on her face not knowing where she was. "I must be dreaming if I just appeared here," Nightkit said with bewilderment. She looked over and saw Duskkit resting in the snow. Nightkit ran to him and nudged him "Duskkit?" Duskkit looked up his blue eyes were lazy and glazed with sleepiness. "Oh we are in each others dreams." Duskkit mewed. "I suppose so," Nightkit responded. "I wonder what will happen," Duskkit mewed and sprung up from the snow. "Oatpelt told me that Moon Clan can enter dreams of cats! Maybe I can tell Quietcry I'm sorry!" Nightkit meowed. "Ok lets see if Moon Clan is here." Dawnkit and Nightkit trotted around the snowy plains until they found a large ball of light and they jumped into it, and they entered a large snowy pine forest similar to their territory in Snow Clan. Nightkit turned her head and saw a dark grey furred she-cat and she meowed in joy. She ran over and pawed Quietcry, Quietcry's starry soul bent down and gave Nightkit a comforting lick behind the ears. "Young one, my death isn't your fault. Moon Clan has made my destiny not you," Quietcry meowed softly. Duskkit went over and greeted Quietcry happily. "Young kits, when you are older you must put your clan first above all other things, take this water for instance," Quietcry rolled a large water drop around on her fur making sure it didn't break speed. "The water droplet is so content on rolling it focuses and continues being strong and determined, don't let any cat bring you down just because you're half clan and fight for your clan no matter what," Quietcry mewed in a soft tone. "Ok Quietcry," the two kits mewed and looked back at the light ball still floating above the snow. They heard a soft meows from the ball of light and the kits recognized their mothers voice. "We have to go now Quietcry. Mama is waking us up." Nightkit mewed. "Remember my words, now go and greet your mother. This won't be the last time we see each other, kits." Quietcry dissolved in to a starry mist and the two kits sprung into wakefulness.

Hi friends, so I have been sick with the flu and I can't write, also writing is hard so go easy on me. 

 (⌯˃̶᷄ ﹏ ˂̶᷄⌯)゚-Ryoko

Art by: Apofiss

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