Chapter 2

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Later that day, Rainbow Dash and Derpy Hoof headed back to the castle in Canterlot. Derpy Hoof parked her carriage in the stable, and Rainbow Dash got off the carriage. "I'm starving." Rainbow Dash said as she looked at her friend. "You'd be too, I guess." Offended, Derpy Hoof hit her friend with her tail. "Hey, I'm just kidding!" Rainbow Dash said. "Watch your tail." "Fine." Derpy Hoof said. Rainbow Dash went into the kitchen as the pony cooks said "Morning princess." "Morning." Rainbow Dash said as she took an apple, ate it, and snuck in some sweet pies to bring to the dining room. As she entered the dining room, she heard her father, Big Mac, telling the story about how he battled Discord while Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were asleep. "From nowhere, the biggest bear you've ever seen!" Big Mac said as he continued on with his story. "His hide littered with the weapons of fallen pony soldiers, his face scarred with one dead eye! I drew my sword, and...!" Suddenly, Rainbow Dash woke her sisters up, and said "Whooosh! One swipe, his sword shattered, then, chomp! Dad's tail was clean off! Down the monster's throat it went!" "Aww, that's my favorite part!" Big Mac said, complaining that he didn't finish the story.

"Discord has never been seen since." Rainbow Dash said finishing the story. "And he's roaming the wild, awaiting his chance for revenge." She lets out a playful roar, making her sister giggle. "Let him return." Big Mac said smiling. "I'll finish what I gobbled in the first place." As Rainbow Dash placed her bow on the table, Rarity said "Rainbow Dash, a princess does not place her weapons on the table." "Mom, it's just my bow." Rainbow Dash said feeling annoyed. "A princess should not have weaponry in my opinion." Rarity said. As Rainbow Dash sighed, and removed her weapon from the table. Big Mac said "Let her be! Princess or not, learning to fight is essential." "Mom, you'll never guess what I did, today!" Rainbow Dash said smiling. "Hmm?" Rarity said becoming interested. "I flew to the Crone's Tooth, and drank from the Fire Falls!" Rainbow Dash said. Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo became awestruck as Big Mac said "Fire Falls? They say only the ancient kings were brave enough to drink the fire." Rainbow Dash just giggled at her father's reacton. As Rarity read the letters delivered by an earth pony maid named Coco Pommel, Rainbow Dash quietly gave the pies to her sisters, and they ate it. "What did you do, dear?" Rarity asked. "Nothing, mom." Rainbow Dash said.

Rarity looked at Rainbow Dash's plate, and said "Hungry, aren't we?" "Mom!" Rainbow Dash cried out in annoyance. "You'll get dreadful oollywobbles!" Rarity said. "Oh, Big Mac! Will you look at your daughter's plate?" Big Mac looked at Rainbow Dash as he was about to take a bite from his large pile of food on his plate. Rarity looked at the letters that arrived, and said "Big Mac, they've all accepted." "Who's accepted what, mother?" Rainbow Dash asked. Rarity looked at Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo, and said "Girls, you are excused." "Yay!" The three fillies said at the same time as they left the dining room. "What did I do now?!" Rainbow Dash said feeling annoyed. "Your father has something to discuss with you." Rairty said as Big Mac suddenly spitted his drink out in surprise. "Big Mac?" Nervously clearing his throat, Big Mac said "Rainbow Dash..." When her husband hesitated, Rarity looked at Rainbow Dash, and said "The lords are presenting their sons as suitors for your betrothal."

"What?!" Rainbow Dash asked in surprise. "The clans have accepted!" Rarity said. "Dad!" Rainbow Dash said as she looked at her father in total dismay. "What?" Big Mac said. "!" "Honestly, Rainbow Dash!" Rarity said. "I don't know why you're acting this way. This year, each clan will present a suitor to compete in the games for your hoof. "I'm the only princess that just does what she's told!" Rainbow Dash said raising her voice. "A princess does not raise her voice." Rarity said. "Rainbow Dash, darling, this is what you've been preparing for your whole life!" "NO!" Rainbow Dash said in anger "What you've been preparing me for my whole life!" As she started to storm off, she said "I won't go through with it, and you can't force me!" "Rainbow Dash!" Rarity said as her daughter just ignored her, and walked out of the dining room in anger, and went into her bedroom. "Rainbow Dash!" Big Mac said as he got up to go after her, but he accidently knocked down the entire dinner table instead making the dogs attack the food. "Boys!" He said to the dogs as Rarity left the dining room to go talk to Rainbow Dash.

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