To Love A Warbler-Chapter 6

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Jeff's POV

Later that night, still seething, I got into bed at Dalton. I was half asleep when my phone rang out. Wes groaned and I pulled the phone out of my discarded pants, looking at the ID.


Awesome-Phone Austin: Hey...

Jeff Sterling: What's wrong?

Wes sat up. "Who is it, Jeff?"

Blaine laughed from across the room. "Who else? It's Kirsten, the girl I told you about."

Wes shook his head. "Doesn't ring a bell."

Awesome-Phone Austin: You seemed kinda upset at me this afternoon.

I groaned and sat down. "She knew I was upset."

"Well you weren't exactly a Happy Hansen after Dave came over."

"Happy Hansen?" Wes laughed. "What the hell is a 'Happy Hansen'?"

"Like Negative Nancy, or Debby Downer, ya know?"



Jeff Sterling: Don't worry about it.

Awesome-Phone Austin: Too late. Seriously, what's up?

Awesome-Phone Austin: Wrong? What's wrong? Not what's up, that's stupid. :-J

 "What do I tell her?" I flopped back. Mimicking a deep, manly voice, I said, "Your new boyfriend is a big fat meanie and I hate him."

"Because I've desperately fallen for you," Blaine finished.

I looked up. "Asshole."

"You know it." Blaine smiled. Suddenly my phone was ripped from my hand.

"WES!" Blaine tackled me from behind and we fell to the floor. "WES! Give it BACK!"

"Your new boyfriend," Wes announced as he typed furiously on my phone.

"GIVE IT BACK!" I roared. Blaine then proceeded to bite my shoulder. "Blaine," I groaned.

"Did that" Blaine asked, wagging his eyebrows suggestively. I growled and flipped Blaine over, attempting to punch him. He growled too and dodged it. Someone suddenly pulled me off Blaine, and I found myself face-to-face with Wes.

"Assholes. Both of you, assholes."

Blaine smirked. "What are friends for?"

"Not that, that's for sure..." I muttered. I looked down at what Wes had typed.

Jeff Sterling: Your boyfriend is a big fat money and I hat him because of stuff.

 "Wes, why didn't you say he liked her?" Blaine whined.

I glared at Blaine. "Because he respects me a hell of a lot more than you do."

Blaine stuck out his tounge at me.

"Night guys. Sorry, Jeff," Wes said. Then he walked over and got into his bed.

I shoved Blaine towards his bed and crawled into my own. "Night."

Awesome-Phone Austin: He's a big fat what and you what him because of what?

Jeff Sterling: Sorry, Wes and Blaine stole my phone.

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