To Love A Warbler-Chapter 18

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Jeff's POV

Kirsten was completely silent for a few moments. Then...

"Jeff-Jeff, I-"

I cut her off. "Kirsten, I really have to know. Am I running in circles or do you really like me?"

She smiled and took my hand. "Jeffie, I-"


I looked over Kirsten's shoulder to where Nick was running to us. "JEFF! OH MY GOD YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!"

I glared at him as he grabbed on my shoulder and started jumping up and down. "Nick, actually, I'm a bit busy-"

"Not too busy for this. Come here!"

"Why don't you just tell me later?"

"No! You need to come now."

Nick grabbed my hand from Kirsten's grip and started pulling me away.

"Jeff-!" Kirsten reached for me, but Nick was pulling me away at an extremely high speed.

"Later!" I called sadly, waving.

She gave me a half smile. "Okay, later! Bye!" She waved.


"Nick," I said venomously, "this better be pretty damn important. What is it?"

Nick shrunk back into himself shyly. "Well...look." He pointed through the window into the Warbler hall.

I looked in. "Okay, so what? Wes and David are talking like usual."

Nick shoved me over and looked in. "No! This doesn't make sense-they were kissing, I swear!"

I took a deep breath and stepped away, glaring at him. "Nick. I get it. You like Kirsten. But so do I! You're supposed to be my friend-can't you at least pretend to be happy for me?"

"Jeff, I-"

"No." I started walking away, shaking my head. "I'll talk to you later, okay?"

"Jeff-look!" Nick grabbed my shoulder desperately, but I pulled away.


I heard Nick sigh as I started running back towards where I left Kirsten, but she was gone. In the distance, I saw Matt and Mark carrying her and I sighed, running a hand over my face.

Nick made me miss my chance. But of course, there would always be later...


Maybe after next period.


The rest of the day passed slowly. I didn't see Kirsten until late evening, when I was studying in the library, but she was with David. Great. Just great. With a sigh I turned back to my work.

"Jeffie," she greeted with a smile and guarded eyes, sitting across from me.

"Hey, Jeff," David smiled.

I looked up and gave them a tight smile. "Hey, guys. What goes on?" I looked down at my work, biting my lip.

Kirsten chuckled. "We're here to save you. You look bored."

I looked up at them. "You think? And thank you, but-" I gestured to my book. "-if I fail, my mom will have my head."

There was a moment of silence before I heard the sound of tearing paper. I didn't look up, just kept reading about atom particles and such. Then a piece of paper was slipped into my book and I saw them stand up out of the corner of my eye.

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