Avril Couldn't Have Said It Better

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A/n: Nathan in the mm again! If you haven't noticed boys with dark hair and light eyes are my weaknesses! Anywho enjoy!!

Amber p.o.v.

Today was Sunday, a week and a day before I will be moving. I was now rushing get to 'The Castro' a restaurant that Thomas picked for our Sunday brunch. Thomas is the Secretary from the judges office, turns out he is only 17 years old, and he got the job only because the judge is his uncle.
I pulled up to see him standing outside, he opened my door for me once he recognized the Jeep I had borrowed from Tammy.

"Sorry I'm late, I came right after church which took a little longer than expected-"

"That's fine Amber." He said smiling, as I took in his appearance.
I was wearing black joggers and a dark blue button up with dark blue men's Louis Vuitton shoes. All in all he was looking finer that fine.

We got inside and he pulled my chair out. I sat down and stared at him for a while.

"What's on your mind beautiful?" He asked.

"Nothing, it's-"

"Welcome to The Castro may I take your order?" The waiter interrupted.

"I'll have the Shrimp Alfredo with spinach." Thomas replied eyeing me.

"I'll have the same," I replied.

"Care to continue beautiful?" He asked.

"Yea, it's just, I'm intrigued by your level of maturity..." I trailed off studying his facial features.

"I'll take that as a compliment," he said winking at me.

"It's surprising to see a 17 year old be so-"

"Here you go, please, enjoy!" The waitress interrupted again.

"About that, I'm actually 25," he said as I choked on the Shrimp I was savouring.

"Your what!?" I yelled.

"I'm 25, just graduated college with a master's and-"

I gave him a blank look till I couldn't look at his lying face. I took up the glass of complimentary water and dumped it on him.

"Hey Tammy can you meet me at the Starbucks on Waldemere street, thanks." I called the first number I saw which I assumed was Tammy.

As I drive to the Starbucks I realized that Tammy had no way of getting here, since I used her Jeep. Oh well.

I took a seat at the back and sipped my Pumpkin spice latte as I looked out the window

"Hey, Amber!"

I looked up to see Tyler and the rest of the gang aka Chay, Jessica and Nathan.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"As if you didn't call Nathan!" Jessica butted in.

I looked at him and gave him a blank look. "I didn't call Tammy did I?"

"Nope," he said looking at me as if he could read me every thought.

"Well I'll just be going." I said getting up.

"No, COUSIN, why don't you stay?" Chay says mockingly.

"No I should-" I began

"Stay, she is gonna stay." Nathan said.

"Look I just wanna go home, I just came from a date and-"

"Awe he stood you up didn't he?" she said.

I looked at her, smiled and walked away.

"Amber!" I turned around to see Nathan closing the door to the Jeep that I had just opened.

"Hey." He said nonchalantly.

I staled faced him for about a minute and a half. "Nathan, just leave me alone please!"

"I can't! Your leaving!" He said.
He looked like he was about to gear up. Ha! Tough luck! Where was everyone when I was crying myself to sleep over this nonsense!


"How could you leave me here? Did I mean nothing to you!?" He yelled. Tyler and Chay along with the ninja turtle cane out and watched.

"All my life I've been good! But now.... What the hell?" (Avril lavigne lol)
"What the hell do you want from me!? I tried! Ok? I've been silent this whole time! No one ever asked if I was OK! Or how I felt about this! It's bottled up, Right here!" I said pointing to NY chest. "Right where I wanted you to be!" I said lowly, I was tearing up and I honestly felt a mess.

"Let me drive you home and we can talk." He offered.

Let him a voice in my head said.





"Shut up!" I yelled holding my temples, all those days if not taking my medicine were catching up to me, but Nathan was the trigger for my disorder.

"Who are you-" Nathan began.

I looked over at Chay, who knew of my condition, only to see her recording me.

"Just leave me alone Nathan if you saw me dying walk bye, or you can stand and watch! That's what you do anyways." I said getting into the Jeep and pulling off heading home.

One more week Amber.

As I sat on the couch in my room just looking out of space I began to think.

Why couldn't anyone tell me the truth?
Everyone seems happy, is it me?
Why did Thomas lie?
Why me?
Have you ever felt like that?

A/n: Hey it's moi
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Also please! Ask for updates some times I forget but it takes me 15 mins to write 800 words so please reming me by comments!!!
Ty, stay goofy!

Bungalow talk- Djkhaled

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