Football Games Nd Goodbyes

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A/n: Expect big things this chapter! Even though I'm moving a little fast bear with me!

Amber p.o.v.

"Stephanie no! I don't like the attention!!!" I yelled, but did that stop her? Nope.
I watched as my only friend in California grabbed the mic from the announcer in the middle of the half time for the foot ball game.

"Sorry for interrupting but as you know, Amber Latouche joined us here a couple months ago, and today we tell her goodbye. Her flight leaves at 8:30 tonight and I just wanted the football players to say their goodbyes!" She looked over at Coach Burkart for approval. He nodded his head and pulled me down to the crowd of football players as everyone watched.
I said goodbye to every one, the coach along with most if not all the players, which I had met.

As I let go of Tyler, I looked at the last player that I haven't greeted, Nathan.

"We haven't ended on the right note, but I just wanted you to know that this is hard for me, to you know? Leave, leave you, leave us..." I trailed off.
"You never fought for us and I would've fought but I can't be a lone soldier, but promise me that, when you find another girl... You'll fight for her, and that you'll be her soldier, since you couldn't be mine."

"I can still be your soldi-"

"It's too late Nathan, I'm done waiting for you, even rainbows don't last forever." I missed his cheek and walked away. I walked off the field and to the parking lot all while looking back. Just one word from him and I would've stayed. Just the look to tell me he'd give it all up for me to stay and I would've.
No words left his mouth and the look in his eyes told me that he was still stuck on Jessica.
I can't live on her shadow! All I wanted was for him to let her go and hold on to me, but we don't always get what we want do we?

There is a popular proverbs in Jamaica that when it is translated it says. The ones who want it never get it, but the ones who get it never want it.

(A/n: If you know the saying comment it in patois)

Jamaica, where I am now headed.

Stephanie p.o.v.

Today was the day after Amber left and I wanted to meet up with the whole squad. I didn't want them to think of Amber as how they did now because she's truly not a bad person! Unless she doesn't take her meds lol.

"Please leave the Wild Animals at the door," I said as Jess trailed behind a depressed looking Nathan

"Ugh whatever! I'll be in the car!" She said sounding like an heavy duty vehicle.

"What do you want?" Chay asked.

I  looked over at Tyler and began.

"Tyler and I knew Amber the best and I don't know about you but I know she's not a bad person," I made eye contact with a very sad looking Nathan.

"It's my fault-"

"Yes Nathan but also  it was everyone's fault, Chay, you abandoned her when she needed you, Tyler, you helped somewhat but you never tried to stop Chay, that day from recording Amber's break down, you never stopped her from doing anything, and Nathan, wow, you believed every word Jess said because you were so sprung on the fact that she was having your baby when the truth is that it wasn't even your baby! And she aborted it and  lied! " I watched as they looked at me shocked.

"Y-your lying!" Nathan said.

"I was in her clique once, if you don't believe me ask her and if she intertwines her fingers, then it's a lie." I said getting up.

"I hope you guys are content with yourselves and your actions."

Nathan's p.o.v.

I got up right after Stephanie left. I was gonna find out today! today!

I led Jess up to my room and let her get comfortable.

"What happened to 'our' baby Jess?" I asked coolly.

"What do you mean? I told you-"

"Don't give me that bull shit! Was it even mine!?" I yelled. I examined her and saw her fingers twining.

"Yes Nate-"

"Get out!"

"Excuse me!?" Did this leotard, privileged bitch just question me?

"Ok," I said calmly. I went in my closet and all my drawers and threw all hey stiff on the lawn, I looked at her and saw her looking at me not moving.
I'll show her not to screw over Nathan Ryder!
I yanked her out of my bed and tossed her outside like the trash she was.
I locked my front door and looked over at a picture that I had sneaked of Amber, she was laughing real hard, clutching her sides for dear life. It was the second day I met her and she's was in the hall with Chay. I looked closer at the picture and realized that I had lost her.
The best thing that ever happened to me.
Maybe this is just high-school drama but to me it was more, I wanted to marry that girl. She's gone now.

A/n: thum thum thuuum!
Another emotional chapter sorta.
But there you go two chapters in one night!!
School tomorrow ugh lol but!
Stay goofy!
Mogul talk -Djkhaled

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