There Goes My Baby -Enrique Igleseas

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*Nathan's p.o.v.*

"Calm down princ-" I tried.

"Don't tell me to calm down Nathaniel!" She yelled and I winced as she called out my government.

I sat there looking at her because I wasn't gonna talk to her until she calmed down.

"I'll just ask Stephanie!" She said storming out the room.

"Baby," I said holding her hand, preventing her to go further.
"Nothing happened I swear. She's not even my type." I said softly.

"So what if she was your type!" She yelled again.

"Amber! Stop this madness!" I said calling her first name so she knows that I'm serious.

"What am I supposed to expect!"

"Your supposed to believe me Amber!!" I said raising my voice but instantly regretted it when I heard her sniffling.

"Stop crying princess." I said kneeling between her legs as she sat on the bed. "Why are you crying?"

"You yelled at me!" She sniffled out.

"You yell at me all the time, let's make a deal, I promise not to yell at you as long as you don't yell at me. Okay?"

"Mhmm." She said rubbing her eyes. I can't stand to see her cry.

"Alright then, one of Ty's friends are throwing a party tonight, you wanna go...with me?" I asked. I really wanted to make this official, after seven years I'm not waiting any longer to let the world know she's mine.

"I don't want to." She sighed laying flat on her back.

"Why not? I want you to go." I whispered crawling over her and now straddling here waist.

"I'm socially awkward, I hate social gatherings with people when the number is over 6."

"Babe just go with me this one time! I won't ask again please!?"

"No!" She said crossing her arms.





"With cherries?"



"No. You can't play a player Nathan."


"Goddammit Nathan! I said no! Leave me the hell alone! I should've never freaking got with you! Ugh! Get out! Leave." She yelled. "Leave me alone." She whispered with her hand to her ears.

"What's going on!?" Steph said busting in the room.

"Nothing," I said Getting off her and leaving.

"Stay. No." She whispered as she curled up into a ball.


"Wait!" Chay yelled as I made it down stairs.

"What!?" I said frustrated.

"Look, Amber... Didn't take her medication today, did you pressure her to do something?"

"Kinda to go the party tonight." I said what does she mean medication?

"You can't pressure her or yell or show any aggressive behaviour, her moods will change quickly and either she's crying or she's holding you by your throat."

"What did you mean medication, medication for what?" I asked dying to know. Is my princess hurt?

"It's not my place, but how about you swing by around the party time, shell feel guilty for yelling and go with you."

"Are you sure?" I asked.


She was right cause here we were at 8:30 pm sipping on wine and a Virgin Margarita for her since she insisted and I didn't want to upset her.

"You look beautiful Princess." I reminded her.

"Thank you, for the 10th time tonight." She said looking every where but me, I knew she didn't want to be here but I wanted her to.

"Hey, I love you and sorry about earlier today."

"It's fine Nathan now shut up." She said swatting my chest.

"Aye don't be mad-"

"Best friend!!" Tyler yelled running up to her and squeezing the life out of her. He's a little too close for my liking but I didn't want to upset her again. I'm walking on thin ice here.

"Her Tyler," she squeaked feeling uneasy about the attention she was receiving.

"How's life been, any lovers, any kids?" Oh boy was he taunting me.

"I actually have two babies at home, in Jamaica." She said.

"This is your home Amber, wait what do you mean babies! What the hell?"

"Would you calm down!-"

"No I will not calm down! You have two kids! I didn't impregnate you so how are you pregnant!? Where are they?" I yelled and everyone was looking but I didn't care.

"They're with my uncle they're fine!" She said calmly.

When did she become a lying slut!
I looked around and heard gasps, shit! I said that aloud.

"You know I was talking about my pets, but you probably won't beleive me, like you never did, it's me against the world all over again Nathan. Good job, it's been a day and a half since we're together. Hahaha. What did I expect!? I'm going home Nathan."

"We'll talk about it there?" I asked hopefully.

"Nathan I'm going to Jamaica." She said walking out, once again.

I told myself that if I ever saw her again, I would never let her go, but I did what I do best, I ruined it, I ruined everything!

There goes my princess.

A/n: there goes my baby! Lol
Hope you enjoyed this, I went to a party with the fam this weekend and I am extremely tired but I updated for you.
May the church say Amen.
Bless up -Djkhaled
Stay goofy.

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