Whipped like Harriet Tubman

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A/n: Me in the mm, just thought y'all should know the creep behind the story. Lmao. Power to the dark skins! (And all skins lol) Love y'all enjoy!

*Nathan's p.o.v.*

After the doctor visit with Amber yesterday I was really worried. I had no idea how she would react. I was prepared for the worst. If she cried, tried to spaz out, heck I even had the police on speed dial in case she tried to fight me!

I was prepared except when she didn't speak. She took the news and stared blankly at a poster that was behind the doctor. I could tell she was hurt, but she was just so used to having her guard up all the time that it was just an natural instinct to her.

I've been sitting at my desk for damn near two hours, I was mindlessly going through the paper work on my desk, my mind was not here. It was floating around somewhere at home where I should be with Amber curled up at my side.

I sighed and picked up the phone dialing the house number.

"Hello?" She answered innocently, reminding me of how long I've actually had intercourse.

"Hey baby." I replied.

"Can you come home now?" She asked. I can bet she was on the verge of crying.

"Babe, it's been about two hours, I have to keep this place in check." I said fiddling around with a pen.

"What am I supposed to do!?" She said getting mad. Those damn pills don't work for shit.

"Just hang on till I get home in...... About 5 hours."

"I refuse to wait that long! You better come home right now!" She snapped. Has she forgotten who I am?

"Amber if you don't cut the shit right now! I'm at work baby, I can't leave right now, I'll see you when I see you, I love you ok!?" I honestly feel bad for raising my voice but I had to man, she is driving me insane.

"Ok." She whimpered making me feel even more guilty.

"Amber has that ass checked!" Steph said as she walked into my office seeing me packing up. It has been twenty minutes since Amber and I's phone call and I was dying of guilt.

"I don't know what your talking about." I mumbled stuffing today's papers in my briefcase.

"She told me everything!" She laughed, reminding me to hire a new secretary.

"Get out Stephanie!" I huffed.


I pulled up in the driveway and noticed that it was unusually quiet.

"Amber?" I called out after slowly opening the door.

"Nathan!!" She yelled hopping on me wrapping her legs around my waist.

"Nice to see you too babe." I said awkwardly patting her back.

"I missed you!" She mumbled in my neck

"Mhmm." I mumbled tapping her thigh hoping that she'd get the hint to get down.

"I was so bored a-and bored." She said holding on even tighter as I climbed the stairs.

"You know I'm not pleased with your behaviour princess." I said shifting her to my left hip in order to put my briefcase down.

"What behavior?" She asked trying to pull off the innocent look, but behind it she was the devil in disguise.

"You called me in the middle of my day at work begging me to come home!"

"You didn't have to come " she muttered as layed her on her back like the big baby she is.

"That's not fair!" I yelled frustrated. "You know how much of a sucker I am!"

"But Nate.." She said following me as I walked into my office with the necessary paperwork.

"No, come here." I motioned her to sit next to me in the leather couch in my rather large at home office.
"You are gonna sit her and close your mouth while I finish my work. Not a sound, got it?"

"Mhmm." She nodded childishly bobbing her head up and down.

Yea, I put her in check!

"I love you," I reminded her hoping that I wasn't too harsh.

"I Love you too Nathan." She said kissing my cheek and doing as she was told.

I guess those medicines worked! Or maybe it was me. *wink* *wink*


A/n: this chapter was long overdue, but by the grace of God I tell you. Anywho, next chapter boutta be real cute. Mhmm.
Thank you for reading I really appreciate it!
Also shout out to the person who have me a real ass feedback the other day, forgot her name but thank you so much!
#honesttalk -Djkhaled
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