Run Away- Avril Lavigne

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A/n: ok. I live in florida, so today I got called got out of school early to go to Busch Gardens!! I was so happy. Yay! Anyways I'm on my way back from Tampa rn so I'll try my best.

*Amber's p.o.v.*

Impossible! Thats what Nathan and I's relationship is. It's been a day and he's back to being the old Nathan that I left after all these years. I honestly thought he had matured. Guess not.
I looked over at my cellphone and declined another call from him. It was now Thursday, the day after the party and I was packing to leave. Steph was spending the night with a hot, Panamanian guy she meet at the party, so I was all alone here.
I made sure to take my medicine today, so that I could be calm at the airport, Lord knows I hate those things.

I lugged all my bags to the front door and opened it to find Nathan slumped against the front door. WHY IS HE HERE !? I was about to leave.
A voice in the back of my head which was now low, told me to just kick him down the porch steps. But I couldn't, no matter how much he hurt me or how much I try no to, I still love him.
I can't get over him!
"Nathan." I said softly shaking him.


"Yes Nathan get up." I said helping him up.

"I thought you already left," he said dazed.

"Sit." I said pointing to a chair by the kitchen island.

"Were you really gonna leave?" He asked as I made him some tea.


He sighed, then asked."Why do you need medication?"

How did he know about that? Snitches. I wasn't gonna tell him and watch him leave me. I know it's unfair to always leave him but I'm afraid to answer questions like this.


"Lie again." He said now fully awake and active.

"Excuse me?" I asked dumbfounded.

"I'm always honest with you, I tell you the truth one hundred and one percent of the time! Just be honest with me, for once." He was strong minded but so was I.

"I can't Nathan." I said stating blankly into his eyes.

"Do you even love me?" He whispered as his eyes got glossy.

"Nathan shut up! Ok!? You sit there on your high horse and question if I love you!? Wow-"

"Then tell me the truth!!" He yelled, his eyes filled with raw emotions.

"Promise you won't leave me?"

"Why would I-"

"Just do it, cause if you walk out that door when I say this, its OVER." I said tears clouding my vision.

"I promise, I swear."

"I have a bipolar disorder, so far you've been my main trigger, nothing bad but because you trigger so much love in me, you also trigger my other emotions with the same volume. I'm sorry."

"Amber, I love you, through anything and I apologize for this, you have no control over the situation." He said unknowingly gathering the crumbled pieces of my heart together.

"I love you too baby." I whispered this was it for us no turning back, no more fights, no more leaving, just us. Me and my guy.

"So movie night?" He asked ordering a pizza.

"Si mi amigo!" I yelled crawling into his lap, he was really comfy.

"Hahahahaha!" We heard coming from the front door.

"Steph?" I asked as the door swung open to confirm it was her indeed.

"What?" She asked sipping the bottled water as if it were wine. She gone I tell you, gone.

"Nothing." I said burying my face in Nathan's neck.

"Tomorrow you peasants!" She said stalking up to her room.

"She ruined my mood." I said frowning.

"Are you ok, what do you need?" Nathan asked looking around frantically.

"Hush up babe I'm playing," I laughed.

"Oh." He said blushing, he was too cute sometimes.


"Ok you need scoot over!" I whisper-yelled at Nathan, he was hogging all my covers, pillows and of course my side of the need.
When I agreed for him to sleep over tonight I thought we were gonna be one of those cute couples that cuddled while sleeping. No, instead of him spooning me to bed, I get the protective hand that was supposed to be around my waist, now wrapped around my neck. I was suffocating and being crushed by his body constantly being as close to me as possible. I can't even move an inch. It's like I'm taking two steps forward and he's taking ten! A salsa dance gone wrong.

'Just reach over pick up the lamp and hit him!' A voice in my head said.


'Just do it! You want him off you right.' The voice replied. It's like I had no control over myself as I reached over and picked up the lamp.

"What are you doing babe?"

'Hit him!'

"Nathan, I need you to run."

A/n: So Amber's condition is not only a bipolar disorder which you will find out later! But Ty for reading!
Please comment! I love hearing your opinions on the behavior of the characters! Have blessed day!

Honest talk - Djkhaled
Stay goofy!
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