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A/n: Hope you enjoyed the last Chapter!

Amber p.o.v.

Today I decided to just chill with Steph. I haven't seen her since her last trip to Jamaica which was a year ago. I took a cold shower since the day was hot, and changed into some loose fitting pajama shorts and a thin racer back tank top with song long socks. This was my official lazy day outfit.
I walked down the stair case cheesing, this trip was good so far, I made up with Nathan and bought/got property to expand my business!

Light giggles filled the air as the kitchen came into view. Sitting at the counter was Chay. Her back was turned to me as I froze on the last step.

"Heeey Am!" She said cheerily as if inviting the enemy was OK.

I eyed her and went to pour myself some Orange juice.

"Hey Amber..." Chay said smiling at me.

"Wassup." I said trying not to let her happy tude get to me.

"I think we need to talk-"

"You damn Skippy! Chay." I said looking at her, he sense of calmness and innocence just exacerbates my mood.

"Look, we were both wrong." She replied and I eyed her wearily through my half empty glass that was tilted to my lips.

"Eh..neh, you were wrong get your facts straight hun."

"I don't know why I came over here!"

"Me either," I mumbled.

"You guys need to sort this out!" Steph said facing us with a disappointed look.

"There is nothing to sort out, Ive been done with her and will always be done with her!"

"It's not my fault you left! You were constantly in every ones thoughts! You pretended to be the good guy when you really weren't! You've been doing this since we were little kids!" She screamed.

"You have no idea what I went through when we were little." I said deathly calm.

"What! What did you go through? Huh? Your mom hit you twice and you make it out to be abuse! Cause your a liar!!"

"It wasn't once! I was beaten for things I didn't do! I sat in a corner and hiccupped! Scared to eat! Because I thought they she gonna kill me! He beat me with an electrical cord when he didn't get his way! I remember I was in the shower..... And he.... He hit me when I was wet naked and afraid! All those times that I wouldn't come out to play, she threatened me, she told me not to, she locked me in the house!" I yelled as the traitor tears escaped.


"2005 I was four years old! You guys just moved next door to us in the family home, he molested me the second day you arrived! Your little friend Carla from across the street saw and made fun of me! What was to do!? Tell everyone and watch them laugh at me or tell me I'm lying!!"

"Why can't you let my brother rest in peace! He been dead for ten years!"

"How do you think he died.." I whispered. "Uncle found out, your Dad..."

I looked up at her for the first time I began talking.

A fist connected to my jaw and I stumbled back. The last time she hit me I hadn't retaliated but not today! I'm tired of taking people's shit.

I connected a fist back to her face and started swinging at her. I was blinded by rage and anger, I couldn't even tell myself to be calm because it was my cousin, I was just out of control.

I felt Steph pulling me off her and I let her. I looked. Over at Chay and saw her crying and all my hatred for her disappeared.

"You good Chay?" I asked concerned just a tiny bit.

"Yeah are we good?" She asked.

"Yeah just had to get that out my system." I smiled.

"Me too child!"

"Jamaicans are some crazy people!" Steph declared.

"Us? You the one who supposed to be Mexican but you got blond hair!" I said wat hing her face turn to a mug.

"Enough about me! Amber, aren't you and Nathan together?" She said glancing at me and sipping from an almost empty water bottle.

"Ahhhh you are!?" Chay squealed. I nodded my head as I blushed.

"You not slick! Not because your dark skin don't mean I didn't see that blush!" Steph yelled.

"Hop off me and my man!" I said throwing a pillow.

"Y'all did have a hist-"

'I'm only one call away, I'll be there to save the day-'

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Hey pumpkin!" Nathan answered. I swear he makes up a new name everyday.


"What are you doing today?"


"Good cause I'm at the door." He cut me off.

"What? Why are you here?" I asked. Stephanie must've picked up the hint and went to open the door.

"Cause I wanted to see you." He said looking at me with a pout as the door opened.

"You could've called." I said hanging up and using a pillow to cover up parts of my bare legs.

"I did!" He cheesed. His mom must be really proud.

"I always knew you guys were perfect together!" Chay said stating the obvious, obviously were perfect for each other cause no one is gonna be down for him like I am. But I'm not gonna tell him that.

"Come on princess." Nathan said dragging me upstairs.

"He called her princess!" Steph yelled holding her heart. I can't.

"How did you know where the guest room is?" I asked once I noticed that he didn't ask me.

"I've been here millions of times, I know every square inch of this place." He replied.

"Mhmm, what were you doing here 'millions of times'." I said mockingly as jealousy bubbled in me, did they have an affair!?

A/n: Did they? Did they do the dirty?
Is Amber being screwed over again?
Stay goofy!
Be successful! -Djkhaled.

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