Crazy Girlfriends

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*Amber pov.*

I swerved the car in to the oncoming traffic and saw a huge truck coming on.

'This is it!' The voice whispered excitedly.

I closed my eyes and braced for impact.

I heard horns honking, adrenaline was pumping through my body, I finally came to my senses that not only Nathan would die, I would too.

At last minute I swerved out of the truck and safely unto the correct side of the road which was clear.

I took a couple deep breaths and slowly got down from my high. I know it's wierd but I get this buzz when my adrenaline starts rushing, I basically get high.

I blinked a few time then focused on the road.

After pulling up in the garage I said a quick prayer thanking God for getting us home safe.

I looked over at Nate and shook him awake, I swear he can sleep through a storm.

"Babe! Get uppp we home!" I whined. I'm tired, sleepy and I just want to cuddle him.
I watched as he finally got up, putting the stuff inside.

I took a quick shower and waited for him to join me.


*Nathans pov.*

As I took a shower I thought about today, it was nice, just a day with my baby and I.
I still remember when she said she was jealous. But jealous of what? Guess I gotta ask her.

I got dressed in some shorts and hopped in the bed beside her. Yes, I'm freeballing haha.

As soon as I got in she snuggled up to me. Knowing that she was in one of her moods, I waited a while before asking her about it.

"So you were jealous today?" I asked her running my hand down her side.

"Yup." She admitted shamelessly and I felt her hold on my neck tighten.

"Why what did I do?" I asked lifting her head to look at her.

"You were flirting with thirsty Trisha and the girls." She said with a scowl.

I saw her reaction and immediately removed her hands from my neck. She might just kill me.

"I wasn't flirting, they were just asking about us and stuff." I said calmly, in my head I wanted to laugh at how she called that one girl 'Thirsty Trisha'

"You know how I am with females, I don't like you talking to them, in fact if it ain't yo immediate family, I want you to pat that female on the back and call it a day." She said seriously.

I busted out laughing at the thought, but I knew she was serious.

"Keep laughing, don't do for real and watch me stab you and her." She yawned crawling on top of me.

I chuckled a bit as she laid on me. She had both her legs on either side of my waist and her hands wrapped around my neck. Big baby.

I rubbed her back for a bit till I drifted off to sleep also.


I sat up sleepily with Amber still clinging onto me. She was clinging both awake and asleep.

All my life since I started dating I've always wanted a clingy, crazy girlfriend, they always say that those are the best girls to have. Not saying that Amber is not the best but, it can be a handful having a crazy girl.

Not that I don't enjoy the constant death threats if I were to ever cheat (again) 😑

I rubbed the sleep out my eyes then tried to wake up Amber by patting her back.

"Your going to the Bahamas!" She mumbled, guess she was dreaming about work. Speaking of, I haven't been paying a lot of attention to lately, I really needed to work on that.

I took another minute and pried her hands off me.

"Amber, wake up princess, you have work." I said after brushing my teeth.

"Boy bye mm." She groaned trying to go back to sleep.

I ran and jumped on the bed showering her with kisses.
She tried pushing me off, so I just laid on her.

"Nate!!" She yelled, "I can't breathe!" She shrieked.

I hurried to get off her to see that she was coughing and taking deep breaths.

"Good to see your up princess!" I said smiling at her.

"I'm gonna kill you!" She yelled lunging after me.

"I'll make food!" I yelled using a pillow as my shield.

"Ah you live another day!" She said sounding like Braxton from the Jamie foxx show. (That show is my shizzam boi! 😂)

I stared at her for a minute, the good thing about having a crazy ass girlfriend is knowing that she only be crazy about you. 🙂


After being called a pineapple head, I was like damn I need to update just because I like the name @chromatic

Anywho hope you liked it, inbox or comment what you would like to see happen to this story!

Sometimes I think back like damn this is a shame, then my other side kicks in like man don't be so f*cking lame - J. Cole 💜

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