Ryder & Co.

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"How about this one? You don't like people! So isolation is good with wide open spaces!" Steph said trying to convince me.

"Yeah... Wide open spaces of bushes and weeds!" I argued.

20 mins later...

"Ok this is the last one, perfect location to attract business, only 10 miles from the town's square, and around civilization!"

"Hmm." I said not looking up from the email that my secretary sent.

"Are you even listening?"

"Hmm." I said.


"What!?" I said looking up. It was truly perfect. It could hold the exact amount of square feet I wanted plus, Starbucks was near by.
"I like this, no I love!" I said squealing and everything!

"Look and the land mark and take the number so we can call when we get home."

I looked at the landmark that read
'Ryder & CO.
1-888- Ryder'
Ryder.... Nathan Ryder could he...? Nahh I'm way too hungry to think about that.

"Let's go to Starbucks!!" I beamed ready for a pumpkin spice latte and a dozen chocolate chip cookies.


"Ryder and co. How can I help you?"

"You can help me by spitting out that gum." I said, I was freshly fed and in was in a good mood, keyword was.


"Yeah anyways, I'm calling to set up a meeting with the CEO about a current landspace downtown near the town's square, I would just like to know when I can come in." I said sipping some of my left over drink to calm my spirit. Yes I can feel it now. (A/n: can you feel it now Mr. Krabs? Lmao)

"Hmm." She sighed. "You can come in tomorrow."

I was gonna go anyways.

"Thank yo-"
Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Did she just...?" I mumbled. Nàah it's cool Amber. Homegirl don't know who you are.

"Steph! I got the meeting tomorrow at 11:30!!" I yelled running down the stairs.

"That's good Am!" She said looking nervous. What is she up to.

"You cool?" I asked her, this was her chance to come clean!.

"Yea Gucci."

"Kk!" I said skipping my happy self up the stairs, tomorrow is a big day, I gotta impress the boss.

Next day

*Nathan's p.o.v.*

It was now 11:20 and I was in my office nervous as hell. Stephanie calles me last night and told me that Amber was back in town and she got an appointment with me at 11:30.
Apparently she doesn't even know it's me.
I looked at myself in the mirror and gave myself a speech.

Nathan you beautiful mothertrucker, you will not freak out. Keep calm, remember that she can leave again. Apologize and be rational. Think about her feelings-

A knock at the door brought me out of my thoughts.

"Come!" I took a deep breath and was ready to face her.

"Mr. Ry- Nathan!?" She yelled looking me over.

"Right here Amber." I said smiling. Gotta show a warm welcome you know.

"What are you doing here!?"

"This is my company sweetheart." I said looking at her attire. Modest but somehow appealing as usual.

"Don't. Don't call me sweetheart, sweethead, sweet nothing!" She was always a fiesty one.

"I call you what I want, I told you many years back that you are mine, until I say so!"

"I stopped being yours a long time ago Nathan! I stopped being yours when you chose her over me! I stopped being yours when you called me out my name! I stopped being yours when I cried myself to sleep because I believed that I wasn't good enough for you, for anyone, so get out my damn face with that I'm yours bull!" She said now, her chest rising and falling.

"Is everything ok?" A security guard said peeking his head through the door.
I wanted him off then turned to Amber.

"Shit your ass down." I said as softly as I could seeing that I was seeing red right about now.

"Don't tell me wh-"

"I said shit your ass down!" I yelled, she will listen to what I have to say as I have done with her.


"Shut up!" I watched as she say down quietly.

"Now I have listened to what you have said and I'm sorry ok!? I was young and stupid and god I wish I could take it all back! After you left, Stephanie told me some stuff and I thought about it and I realized that I let the best thing that happened to me get away. You Amber. We didn't get that close but I know that deep down we always knew that what we could've had was different, but it's not all me-"

"Yes it-"

"Didn't I tell you to be quiet?" I asked, she was gonna be the death of me. "I admit that you never know what you got til it's gone but, I never wanted you gone before I knew you I had the chance to know the beautifully, and the mad side of you but I never saw the sad side, I wanna know all of you, I never been with a woman after you left, I saw you on the face of every woman, so I started away cause I told myself that I didn't deserve you!" I looked at her and saw the little tears that she was quickly trying to hide.

"Say something! I love you!" I yelled getting frustrated at her unresponsive stare.

"I love you too....." She mumbled.


A/n: They had a moment y'all!!! Aye turn up.
So! Hope you enjoyed this chapter, Nathan poured his heart out! Awe. Thanks for reading!
Stay goofy!!

Mogul talk-dhkhaled.

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