A treatise on the value of teaching

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a Treatise on the Value of Teaching

by Dillon Collins

I can see hate in his eyes, but deep inside he wants to cry.

He doesn't know whats wrong with him, he wants to jump or pull the pin.

Will he do it? Will he not? Will he realize what he's go?

Will he turn and face the day? Or will he fall in the murky gray?

I can see hate in her eyes, but deep inside she wants to cry.

She hates the world and why she's in it,

she hates her parents who should've shown restraint (but didn't).

Will she do it? Will she not? Will she realize what she's got?

Will she turn and face the dawn? Or will she crack and soon be gone?

They trudge through their lives in a daze, he poppin' pills she in a blaze.

There is a hopeless sameness to all of their days,

neither of their eyes dare raise.

Their lives are pointless, their purpose is blurred.

his mind is vacant, her speech is slurred.

He nearly jumps to fall to his death,

she nearly dies for a stupid old bet.

This shocks them both and fills with regret,

the hearts they thought were impervious to it.

They now realize their lives had better get right, before they do something else stupid and actually die.

They heard of this church were these church people go,

who believe in love and forgiveness and it aint just a show.

So they decide to go for their own separate reasons,

and by this time it's coming on to Christmas of all seasons.

They both seemed to enjoy it but at the end appeared confused,

because in their minds Jesus Christ was being used.

the kindle old pastor explained it to them,

he told them Jesus Christ died willingly to pay the wages of their sin.

They thought they had it figured but talked late into the night, cause they hadn't ever done it and wanted to get it right.

The pastor asked could he pray with them?

And they said that would be alright.

and afterword their souls felt for the first time in their lives light.

The pastor gave them both bibles that night and they went home and read them till dawn.

Then in the morning they awoke with amazement to discover that both their addictions were gone!

This is the story of a man and a woman who found themselves without God.

They scared themselves so bad they looked for and found Him,

and He pulled them both up out of their fog.

They put their faith in Him, and He paid the wages for their sin,

and He can do the same for you and me.

To make our story short, neither of their lives did they abort.

They both got married and had kids,

both of their lives were pictures of wedded bliss.

Now their story here ends, with their kids getting into the latest trends.

Because both of their parents didn't teach them, they didn't try with their happiness to reach them.

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