chapter 13

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We knocked on her door and she answered "hey Michelle! Hey Aiden" "hello Taylor" "hey Taylor" I said while hugging her and then breaking it "come on in" she said while leaving space for me and my brother to come in "little bro you go in first I'll be back I just have to grab something from the car" "okay" I ran back to the car and got in the front seat to kiss Michael on the lips "what are you doing back already?" "For this" I said before kissing Michael on the lips for two minutes before I broke the kiss Michael started moaning so I broke the kiss "you moaned,why?" He looked down at his pants "oh my lord haha you better get rid of that before me and Aiden come back to the car in an hour" "yeah see you in an hour then or less" I kissed him deeply while putting a French kiss in a little bit then exited the car with my phone "what took you so long gurl!" "Sorry I had to find my phone" "it's okay cmon lets go inside now" we walked inside and she closed and locked the door "what are we doing first" me and Taylor smirked "we are going to play truth or dare" then she yelled out for her little sister to come out and she sat down next to me "who's going first?" "Me!" I said "Aiden truth or dare?" "Umm dare!" "Okay Aiden I dare you" I said while smirking at Taylor "to kiss Taylor's little sister on the lips" me and Taylor instantly started laughing but they both started kissing on the lips,me and Taylor were shocked "okay now Sis truth or dare" "dare" "I dare you to kiss Mr Jackson on the lips tomorrow at school" "well I guess I can since my week will be up" "great and I need video proof,Taylor that's your job to video that" "okay" we kept playing truth or dare for an hour.

Michaels POV/phones ringing?
I was siting in the car waiting for the cinema part to come up.My phone started ringing so I picked it up and answered it (M:Michael U: Unknown)
M: hello?
U: hello is this Michael
M: yes this is Michael,who's this?
U: that's something you don't need to know at the moment
M: okay,why'd you call me then?
U: to let you know I've been watching you and Michelle and if you don't stop-
M: look I hate to cut you off like that but me and Michelle are only friends nothing more
U: that's not what I saw a few moments ago
M: what are you talking about?
U: the kissing in your car
M: you don't have any proof that we did that
U: true I don't but I will
M: good luck with that,by the way I'm going to find out who you are I will track you down
*person hung up*
Okay now I need to call my mobile service and get them to track this person down (M: Michael S: service)
S: hello how may I help you?
M: I would like to track down the last number that called me
S: okay
I waited a few minutes till the lady started talking again
S: the call was from 12 Crestwood from Jacksons phone
M: okay thank you
S: your welcome sir,see you next time
M: bye
S: bye
I put my phone down on the chair an started driving to 12 Crestwood and when I got there I knocked on the door "who is it" "Mr Jackson" "oh Mr Jackson come on in" "thank you" they opened the door an left room for me to come in then they shut the door "your name?" "Jackson" "hello jackson,where are your parents?" "out" "at this time of night,i highly dought it where are they?" "i told you they are out!" "may i check around then?" "sure" i started looking around the house and i saw that his parents were in the living room "hello" "oh hi whats your name? i am Touka" "I'm Mike Jackson im a teacher at your sons high school" "oh whats he been doing?" "well just before he called me and said i was having a relationship with a girl at the high school just because we are friends and like to hangout" "Jackson come here please" Jackson walked over to his parents "what is it mother?" "your phone please" "why?" "Just give us your phone" "okay" he did his password and handed over his phone "how'd you get your teachers number?" "I don't know what your talking about" "oh really? What's this then?" They showed me the number and I confirmed it was mine "how'd you get his number?" "I found it in the phone book" "don't lie to me" "alright fine I found it in Michelles phone" "how'd you get her phone" "in class when she was listening to music I grabbed it and looked through her phone" "why?" Both his mother and me ask.

After an hour or so the problem was solved and I was able to leave with no problems coming my way at all he had no contact with me at all,his phone was taken away from him they disconnected the phones for when he tries using them "thank you Mr Jackson for coming over and letting us know" "no problem I'll see you at school tomorrow Jackson" "bye" "bye" I left and walked back to my car but someone ran after me "sir! Can I speak with you for a moment please" Jacksons mother said "of course" I replied with "here's my number if you ever want to call me" "thank you but I'm not looking for a relationship right now" "see mother I told you! I told you his going out with her!" "Shut up and get to your room!" I saw him walk inside of his house...

Michael Jackson as my High School teacher (completed)Where stories live. Discover now