Chapter 29

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He pushed me on the bed and instantly took my clothes off and I took his boxers off then we laid down on the bed "is it going to hurt?" I said as we laid there getting comfortable together "a little bit,but only for a little while" "I'm scared" "there's nothing to be scared of" I sighed "okay,I'm ready" he got on top and put a condom on then slowly eased inside me,I tried not to scream out in pain "you okay?" I nodded my head with my eyes shut trying to handle the pain "your going to enjoy it when the pain goes away I promise" I couldn't speak because if I tried to I would nearly scream "let me know when you've adjusted" I nodded my head and a few minutes later I got adjusted and said "I've adjusted" he started thrusting in and out of me as we moaned and groaned together,we kissed for a few minutes while he thrusted inside me "faster! Faster!" He went as fast as he could go "mmm Michael!" "You've got a good feeling hey? Like the one you had when I fingered you" "YES! YES!" I said as the feeling was so close,Michael started sucking on my neck leaving more hickeys and played with my nipples making me moan and groan "I'm so close babe" "me too" I started scratching his back when He pulled out and pushed back in again really fast,I moaned as I came and Michael groaned as he came as well "Michael!" I screamed as I came "Oh my fucking God Michelle!" He said as he came as well.

We laid in bed hugging each other "wow if I knew it felt that good I would've lost it a long time ago" he giggled puffed out "thank you,for letting me,do that" I smiled at him and kissed him "no problem" I yawned "you tired?" "Yeah,that really took the energy out of me" he smiled "I'm tired to,we should go back to sleep" "okay" Michael got up and took off the condom and put it in the bin then locked the front and back door then came back to me "night" I giggled "good night baby" Michael said before we drifted off to sleep.

I woke up and found that I was in bed alone and that there was a different sheet underneath me "Mikey?" I said and found that there was no answer so I got up and got dressed into my black dress,black stockings and sneakers then brushed my hair and walked around the house "Michael? Where are you?" I went into the kitchen and found that he was cooking breakfast "hey babe" I said hugging him from behind "morning honey" I kissed him and he kissed me back "thank you" "for what?" "Taking my Virginty,I wouldn't want anyone else to take it only you" "ohh your welcome" he smiled at me then continued to cook "go relax babe your gonna need it" I tried thinking about what I would possibly need to relax for but I did as he said,I sat down at the table which had two plates and two forks and knives one for each of us.

He came into the living room and put down some pancakes and put down some cold water,he walked away to put the pan in the sink and sat down with me "I have to tell you something" "what is it?" I said wondering what he could possibly be telling me "I have to be honest,you actually were my first" I was shocked "but your like twenty or thirty! You should've lost it along time ago!" "Im twenty five and one liked me enough to do it" I cupped his face and kissed him "how could no one like you enough? You are fricking cute as hell!" He giggled "thank you for the compliment" I smiled "well you did very well for a first timer" "you did too" we smiled at each other and continued to eat.

When we finished eating and drinking we got up and cleaned the dishes then put them away "what should we do now?" "Hmm we could go to the park" "or we could stay here and go into your backyard" "okay" we went into my backyard and I practiced some parkour skills I had,while Michael started practicing his dancing.

Michaels POV/ shower
We both stopped moving around and went inside then grabbed a drink "I need a shower" "me too" "we could have one together or have one after the other" I got a text "you go in first I'll see who this is from" "okay" I got my phone out and sat down in the lounge room on the floor the text was from James,it had a photo of me and Michelle? With a text underneath saying: "I told you not to but you did so I'm going to show this to the school and get you taken away! and let the media know too!" I started getting worried about this whole thing "crap! Another fricken kid onto me god dammit! Why won't they just leave me alone! Let me live my damn life the way I want to!" I started calling James (J: James M: Michael)
J: hello Michael
M: hi James look please don't do this to me please!
J: but your doing things against my word and against the law!
M: please James,if you had a huge crush on a girl that isn't your age and you became her girlfriend and did illegal things with her I bet you wouldn't want anyone knowing about it or getting the girl in jail
J: true,okay fine! I'll let you go this once! But if anything else does happen I'm calling the police!
M: thank you James so much!
J: no problem
I hung up and ran into the shower...

Michael Jackson as my High School teacher (completed)Where stories live. Discover now