Chapter 20

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"Why do you need to look me up in the school board?" "I like to see if my girl has a good boyfriend" me and Michael said at the same time "I am not her boyfriend" "he is not my boyfriend!" "I'm not stupid you two I heard your talks on the phone and I heard your kisses this morning" me and Michael went red in the face because we were so embarrassed "see your mother isn't stupid" "we are only friends" the car suddenly stopped "we're here" "thank you for the ride Michael" "no problem" he said smiling while everyone was getting out but I stayed in "why aren't you coming out Michelle?" "I need to discuss some things with Michael" "oh okay I'll see you inside" "okay bye" "bye" when we saw them walk inside I said "drive" "where to?" "I don't care but anywhere" he started driving around town till we reached a park and he stopped the car there "I can't believe she knew,we were so-" me and Michael gave each other the exact same look "Aiden..." "Aiden told her!" "Oh my god but I told him to not tell her!" "This is bad because if he tells your mother my actual name and age I'll be locked up and not be able to teach ever again" I took my seat belt off and turned to him "I'm not going to let that happen" I started hugging him and he hugged me back "I promise" I said while rubbing his back "you won't be able to stop them especially the media if I end up in jail the media's going to know my career will be ruined" "I know but all I can do is try" I let go of him and grabbed his head "we're in public,we can't" "I know Michael but I just want you to be happy" "alright follow me" we got out of the car and ran into the bathroom.

We came back out and ran to the car "I'm glad we did that" "me too,did it make you any-" I looked down and instantly knew "oh my,Michael" "yeah I'm really craving you" I blushed "well you have to wait" "I know but everytime I see you it gets harder and harder to pull back,oh my god I better get you home" "yeah,good idea" he started driving us to my house first "you know I could help that" "help what?" "It..." I said looking down at it "but why?" "Well I don't want you to suffer" "how are you going to do it?" "You'll see" He pulled the car over to take off his pants and boxers off then continued driving while I started jerking him off with my hands "oh my god Michelle! Mm faster!" He said trying to focus on the road but then the car stopped and I was suddenly shaken "huh? What?" I said as I woke up "you okay? We were at the park and when we got back in the car a few minutes later you fell asleep as I was driving you home" I shook my head "yeah I'm okay" "what did you take to make you fall asleep?" "Nothing" "weird how you just randomly fell asleep" "I know but I'll be okay" I said kissing him then getting out of the car "love you" "love you too" we smiled at each other then I went inside the house and my parents were standing in the doorway of the lounge room "hey Ma,hey pa" they kept the angry look on there face "hello Michelle,did you have a nice night out with Mr. Jackson?" "Mr. Jackson? Who's Mr. Jackson?" "You know young lady!" "I know we have a teacher at school called Mr. Jackson" "yes and his name is Michael Jackson,aka your boyfriend" "what are you talking about? Michaels last name isn't Jackson it's Johnson" "is he a student or not Michelle?" "He is a student" "don't you dare lie to me" I knew there was a boy at my school called Michael Johnson so I confirmed it "yes Ma he is a student!" "Okay good,we have an interview with Mr. Jackson this Thursday" which is a day away "okay what about?" "The competition" "what about the Comp" "we are taking you out of the competition" "why?" "Because your not ready for that stuff" "please just let me show you what I can do" "okay fine" I went into my room then returned back to the lounge room with my guitar and started doing the song.

After I did my performance I saw that they were surprised "okay your good at doing that but we are still seeing him" "what's the other reason?" I said while sitting on the couch "the other reason is because we want you in another class" "why? I've had no trouble in the class i am in" "because we are going to get you home schooled" "but what about my friends? What about Aiden? He said he wouldn't go to school without me" "well we will be forcing him to go without you" "you can't do this to me!" "Well we have to okay?" "no you don't! Please let me stay there!" "Honey please just listen to us okay? Try it for a little bit see how you go and if you don't like it then you can go back to school" "by the time I go back to school all my friends are going to hate me" "if they do they aren't true friends" "I'll miss the comp" "we'll be letting you do the competition" I hugged her "but only if you do the home schooling" "no! I'm not doing the home schooling! If you try and get me and tell Mr. Jackson that I'm not going then I'll sneak out of this house and go to the competition!" "You wouldn't dare!" "Wanna bet?" "How would you be able to anyway? Look at yourself! Your so obese!" I looked down at myself...

Michael Jackson as my High School teacher (completed)Where stories live. Discover now