Chapter 69

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I opened the door and sat back down at my desk and kept writing "you were crying in front of the door,did something happen before i arrived?" I pointed at the magazine and he said "what about it?" "Read it" i said calmly still focusing on my story and still writing "what? Whats wrong with it?" "Turn to page twenty and read over to page twenty-one" he went silent for a while then he finally spoke up "oh no,this is bad,really bad!" "I know!" "Who gave this to you?" I sighed knowing this his going to be mad at me when he finds out "Prince" I said as i looked at him and saw his expression "Prince gave this to you?" "Yes" "when?" "A few minutes before you saw me crying" "you got him to leave?" "Yes i did" i said looking back onto my work as i heard my bed start squeaking a little bit "thats good then" I could feel his breath on the left side of my face "i should let you work" he whispered in my ear "thank you" I said still focusing on my work "but first may i have a kiss?" I looked at him an smiled "sure" i gave him a kiss then he left my room.

I stopped working and decided to have a nice calming bath so i got up off my desk chair and went into the bathroom to start my bath.

When my bath was filled up to the height I wanted it to i shut the bathroom door and got undressed then got into the bath and started relaxing in the warm quiet bath until someone knocked on the door "who is it?"I said in a singing voice "me babygirl" I could recognise that voice from anywhere "oh Michael! your back!" I said moving the curtain forward so all he could see was my shadow before he came into the bathroom "yes why wouldn't I be?" "I just thought you were upset and wouldn't want to talk to me" "now why would you think that?" "Can you at least shut the door and whisper!" I said whispering "okay" he whispered while shutting the door and sitting down on the dry towels on the floor.

"What happened to you studying?" I sighed "I just want to relax for a while" "sounds like a great idea" "thanks" i whispered than I started hearing soft humming "is that you Michael?" "Mmhmm" he said continuing his humming "your humming is so relaxing,makes me want to fall asleep" I said yawning "I better stop then" "yes please and can you wait outside,i want to get out of the tub" "sure" I heard him get up and walk out of the room and shutting the door behind him.

I got dressed and then went into my room to find my window open and Michael not in my room "where'd you go?" I asked myself upset when suddenly someone covered my eyes with their hands "guess who?" They said in a deep voice "hmm Michael?" I said taking their hands off my eyes and turning around and kissing him with my arms around his neck,resting on his shoulders "you were right" he said hugging my hips as we kissed.

When we sat down together Michael checked his watch and said "it's getting late i better go home" I sighed and nodded my head "okay but can I have a goodbye kiss?" "Of course" he said smiling then kissing me on the lips " I love you" "love you too" "bye" "bye" he said getting up and going out of my window.

I sighed knowing that there was nothing else for me to do now that was until my phone started ringing "hello?" (M: Michelle T: Taylor)
T: hey gurl!
M: what are you up to?
T: not much just been missing you
M: awe i miss you too
T: can we hangout some time?
M: sure,when?
T: after school tomorrow
M: uh sure
T: great
M: so what have you been up to?
T: trying to get James to stop texting me,talking to me and trying to get my attention
M: wowsers thats deep
T: yeah but it's better than being friends with a liar
M: yeah thats true
My phone started to call again
M: hang on Ive got another call coming in
T: okay
I answered the call (M: Michelle J: James)
M: hello?
J: hey Michelle
M: what do you want James?
J: for you to forgive me
M: for lying about me dating the teacher? Trying to get Mr Jackson fired?
J: yes and yes
M: I don't forgive you,what you did James was unforgivable
J: I know but i was wrong and I was jealous
M: you were jealous? Of me?
J: yes i was because I love you a lot Ive wanted to be with you for so long,i tried to make you jealous by going out with Taylor
M: well you failed to make me jealous and James you could have just told me in stead!
J: I was too embarrassed and when i was going to i couldn't bring myself to tell you
M: well you need to apologise to Mr Jackson and Taylor as well
J: okay bye
M: bye
I hung up and got back to taylor (M: Michelle T: Taylor)
M: hey I'm back
T: finally! Who were you even talking to?
M: you'll never guess
T: James?
M: how'd you know?
T: his calling me right now
M: answer it
T: why?
M: i told him to apologise to you
T: I'm never going to forgive him
M: neither am i but just talk to him
T: okay talk soon
That was the last thing I heard from her for an hour and a half...

Michael Jackson as my High School teacher (completed)Where stories live. Discover now